Day 32 - Life is hectic at the moment.

The title says it all.

It feels like we have it all going on at the moment. We are house sitting for friends at the moment, and have spent the last week completely emptying and cleaning our caravan in preparation to return it to the manufacturer, to then receive our replacement caravan. Sounds like a simple process, right?

Well this is the culmination of what has been about 6 months in the making, from when we were first granted our request of a replacement caravan due to the extensive issues we have had with our original van. So to finally be at this point, and only days away from receiving this new caravan is brilliant, and we are pumped to have this ordeal over and done with - even if life for us has moved in a completely different direction in the last week or so.

We fought hard to get this replacement caravan - we really felt that, with the extensive issues we had that really hindered our travels in the first 12 months (the van had to go in to be repaired on 2 occasions - the 2nd, we were without the van for a month and spent thousands on an Airbnb while it went down to Melbourne from Queensland).

The moral of the story? Don't let life shit on you. If we had of just shrugged our shoulders and taken the first no that came our way, we would have been stuck with a van that has a significantly reduced resale value due to the issues it had and did not function as we had intended it to.

The beginning of the end starts tomorrow - old van dropped off to manufacturer.

See you tomorrow.



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