Home Is Where The Heart Is

They say home is where the heart is
But sometimes home lies in your dreams—
Where all the world you're not familiar with, but still love, can be seen
"It's magical", that's how I'd describe a dream
The things you've never done or been before are suddenly real
But home can also be in the ground—
Where you lay flowers to cover up the reality of what used to be
Once it was a house where everyone laughed, but now
There's nothing left behind but memories and remnants of love
Then sometimes home is in someone else's arms—
Behind a locked front door, a bedroom just for two
It's where you're safe, where you feel loved—
But it can be the opposite too
It can be the last place you'd expect
Not far from where you're standing now
You could open your eyes and find that—
Home is not a place at all
But a feeling, this is where you belong

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