2023-02-19 UPDATE On using my own spreadsheet to track expenses


Per my last post, I was actually tracking my financial expenses daily on my own personalized spreadsheet.

What I eventually realized

Of course, since I always like to do the math in my head, so I can say "I did the math." I realize that just sitting down and opening my spreadsheet, and entering the transactions daily, was taking at least 4 to 6 minutes per day. Given I was doing this probably at least 300 days a year, that's around 1500 minutes a year just spent on typing redundant information. I realized that I actually don't really look back at these financial transactions often anyway. Perhaps I should, but due to my other responsibilities in life and my joy, for finding things to do outside of work, I realize that all this recordkeeping was actually just taking up more of my valuable time.

Thus, I've eventually come to realize that, despite my pathological tendencies, to perhaps do a lot of things on my own when it comes to financial expense tracking, I have decided that I can just mentally make sure I am not over spending, and only look at the expenditures when I really need to. This way, I can enjoy more things that actually give happiness to me.

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