Anti-Oedipus Running Notes

desiring machines/production
organs as machines
connective synthesis/coupling

BwOs - unproductive, the body of recording. the quasi-cause of the product of production by desiring machines.
repulsion to attraction machines
disjunctive synthesis
remains the same despite various disjunctions: always the same

the BwO inscribes their disjunctions on machines. - what are disjunctions? they fragment, consider coyolxauhqui

conjunctions form meta-categories based on preceding disjunctions.

The Subject doesn’t experience pleasure off of disjunctions from a body without organs, but rather gleans the remains of the pleasure derived from the disjunctive inscriptions the BwO imposes on the desiring-machine. The Subject becomes as much as it consumes.

What is a pure intensity? Positive attraction or repulsion that fill up a body without organs to various degrees.

The feeling/intensity is not representative, does not resemble the actual.

“A harrowing, emotionally overwhelming experience, which brings the schizo as close as possible to matter, to a burning, living center of matter.” (19)

  1. the points of disjunctions on the BwO form circles that converge on desiring machines.
  2. the subject is produced adjacent to the machine - perpetually decentered, it hovers like a ghost through various circles and regenerates and redefines itself.
  3. through the paranoic (repulsion toward the BwO) and the miraculating machine (desiring power into nomen/attractive force) - attractive and repulsive forces form a celibate machine and the subject is perpetually/residually reborn in passing through its states.

the subject, a gleaner, is always decentered on various locuses of disjunctions. the subject deems each locus necessary as residuals of each serve for consumption and therefore the conjunction of the subject. the subject changes senses through each state. but, the decentered/oscillationary nature of the individual exhausts, as each previous posture represents something other than what the belief that the present given provides.

“must’ve been forces, that took me on them wild courses. who knows how many poses, that i’ve been in? but them the main closest, hark! it gives meaning mine. i cannot really post this. ah, feel the signs.”

what is the goal of a materialist/empiricist psychology? to identify names of history with zones of intensity, to understand the schizo rather than graze its surface with oedipal concepts

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