
the discursive/conjunctive subject

apophenic. occasionally and accidentally malapropic. this is where i track my progression. more academic leaning notes, progress reports, papers, thoughts are here. find personal essays at the substack link.

Anti-Oedipus Running Notes

desiring machines/production organs as machines connective synthesis/coupling BwOs - unproductive, the body of recording. the quasi-cause of the product of production by desiring machines. repulsion to attraction machines disjunctive synthesis remains the same despite various disjunctions: always the same the BwO inscribes their disjunctions on machines. - what are disjunctions? they fragment, consider coyolxauhqui conjunctions form meta-categories based on preceding disjunctions. The Subjec...
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Genealogy Three Notes

What Do "Ascetic Ideals" Mean? Ascetic ideals have a multiplicity of meanings: they mean different things and utilities for different groups. And yet, the ascetic ideal has become an "expression of the basic fact of the human will... would rather will nothingness than not will."(67) For "The Artist"? (2-6) Is it meant seriously? Or comedically? It means absolutely nothing. Artists do not stand independently in the world and against it for their valuations, but rather have been vehicles for m...
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Genealogy One and Two Notes

Preface (1-7) - What is the value of morality? Or more specifically, the value of morality in its primarily ascetic ideal form? - What if this morality contained its own end? - Is this morality really to blame if a kind of human greatness is never reached? First Treatise (9-33) Value doesn't originate from that which it is useful for, but value is assigned by "the good" as a means of distinction/distance from "the bad". Higher rule in relation to lower subject, is the origin o...
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The “They” and the Conscientious Objector as a Possible Response

For Heidegger, the They is that which reduces Dasein’s possibilities for Being. It is when Dasein in its Being-with Others stands in a position of subjection to Others; Others being those other entities in the world in which Dasein does not distinguish itself. The They is a mode of being, a kind of attention to the other that allows the Other to determine its possibilities of Being. How might one resist the allures of the world and resist succumbing to an inauthentic They-Self? Is the conscienti...
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Firewood and Ash: Independent and Interdependent

In Genjokoan, Dogen expresses an image of firewood turning to ash and how the ash cannot revert to a prior state of firewood. For the unenlightened, the confused notion is linking firewood and ash in a linear temporal connection, calling firewood a preceding state of ash and ash succeeding state of firewood. But for the enlightened, firewood and ash have independent essences in being various dharma stages and merely phenomenally appear as firewood becoming ash. And yet, firewood and ash are sti...
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Upaya and Conditional Language Use

Mahayana Buddhism diverges from its Theravadan ancestors in its diagnosis of the source of dukkha, or suffering. Traditional Theravadan scriptures generally claim suffering to come from the misidentification of permanence in what is in truth, impermanent. In contrast, the Vimilakirti Sutra, one of the early key Mahayana texts, places the source at a plane above the desire for permanence: the source of suffering is the use of conceptual and discriminative faculties to divide what was originally a...
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Deleuze Independent Study 5/1/24 - 8/1/24

On the Genealogy of Morality - Friedrich Nietzsche Nietzsche and Philosophy - Gilles Deleuze Image of Thought from Difference and Repetition - Gilles Deleuze Cinema 1: The Movement Image - Gilles Deleuze Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Anti-Oedipus - Gilles Deleuze Faciality from Capitalism and Schizophrenia: A Thousand Plateaus - Gilles Deleuze ...
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B&T intro

For Heidegger, the question of the meaning of Being is fundamental for the following reasons. It has been attempted to be answered by the history of philosophy in unsatisfactory ways and for him, has largely been passed over by many since the Ancients. Firstly, an attempted answer has been that “Being is the most universal concept”. However, in this it has been implied that Being is a concept that demarcates the boundary for a genus of entities. While that may be true for beings as entities (Sei...
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Brentano's Intentionality

For Brentano, intentionality is the exclusive to the realm of the mental. This means that for any mental phenomena to occur, it must be directed toward some object, either mental or physical. For instance, if I recall a mental phenomena of sadness this morning, I can point to the mental phenomena of say, my parents as the object my mental phenomena of sadness was direct toward. In this, Brentano isn’t necessarily seeking to establish a substance dualism between the mental and the physical, but ...
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Phenomenology Independent Study

Introduction to Phenomenology Emphasis: Ego, Identity, and Isolation Winter 2023 – Spring 2024 Andrew Ha andrew.ha@bruins.belmont.edu Required Media: Introduction to Phenomenology (1999) – Dermot Moran Meditations on First Philosophy (1641) - René Descartes The Paris Lectures (1967) – Edmund Husserl Being and Time (sections) - Martin Heidegger Invisible Man (1952) – Ralph Ellison No Longer Human (1948) – Osamu Dazai The Wretched of the Earth (1961) – Frantz Fanon The Face of Another (1966, fil...
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Kant's B Deduction

At the beginning of the second edition of the Transcendental Deduction, Kant begins §15 by asserting that any manner of combination or synthesis of representations is an action of the spontaneity of the understanding as opposed to being previously combined before having received it in sensibility and sensible intuition, asserting this because he wants to point out that the manifold given in intuition is not synthesized as a manifold through intuition, but through the understanding, since any syn...
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