Building My Business
I’m building my web development business, and I’ve been very busy these past few months. What have I done so far? I’ve explored my options and made decisions for the immediate future: my business technical infrastructure is ready and waiting in my web host. I’m going to focus, for now, on developing static sites, and on using the Hugo static site generator. (After I’m established in Hugo, I also plan to use Jekyll and a few other SSGs.) In the future, I may offer dynamic sites as part of ...
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A Fresh Start
I once had a self-hosted blog, one that was built with Hugo, and it was a dream come true for me. I also had some grand plans: Essay series. Newsletter. Freelance writing. But all of that had fallen by the wayside because of the hardships that came to my family... hardships that culminated in the death of my father last August 2024. Now I could have resumed my plans... but much time has already passed, and it would be much easier for me to just start again with a clean slate. Besides, I'm no l...
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