#02 Are talk shows becoming insensitive?

Yesterday, I stumbled upon an episode of 'Neeya Nana', a Tamil talk show where two groups of people speak for and against a topic. The topic was young single women who are the only earning members of their family and the struggles they face. The young working women were on one side and their parents were on the
other side.

There were a lot of stories about struggle, love, loss of family members, and financial pressure. At one point, Gopinath - the host of the show put the young women on a spot by telling them to ask questions that they've been longing to ask their parents.

A lot of questions were asked and the parents were also put on a spot to answer them. This is when I thought,

Will talking about the issue on national television fix the girls' financial problems? Save them from their sorrows? Or strengthen the family bond?

No. Once the show ends, the lives of everyone who participated is gonna go back to how it was before. And, at the end of the show, they gave gift hampers to a chosen few who spoke well. It felt like the prizes were given to those who faced
more struggles than others. I may be wrong, but how can a gift hamper solve their problems?

Why can't they help in other ways? Maybe start a crowdfunding campaign to help them. Help them get a better job. Provide counseling to help the parents understand their kids better. Therapy for the women who are going through a lot. When somebody has the power to change lives, they should do so.

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