Great Stories


I always admired people who had interesting stories to tell.

Whether it was my grandpa, my teachers, or even some of my friends, it was always so inspiring to sit with them. A great story transforms. A great story transcends.

It took me a while to realize why they were able to tell great stories: they knew stuff. They read books, went to events, they met other interesting people. They had information they could build the stories on.

A few years ago I made myself a promise: I want to tell great stories.

I want to be able to tell an interesting story on any topic, at any time. I don't have to be an expert, just tell a story. Hopefully an interesting one that will bring extra value to their life. Or maybe just a good laugh.

I'm not there yet, of course. But I think I'm getting better; learning the art of gaining knowledge and presenting it in a masterful way.

Transform and let be transformed.

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