Lesson 6: Listen In


20 Lessons From 2020

This year, especially around April and May, I changed my listening patterns. In a metaphorical sense.

I used to listen to (care about, talk with, interact with) a lot of people. I kinda felt connected to all of them, all at the same time. I had a lot of people in my DMs.

But, when the pandemic obstructed these habits, something really changed in me. I started to listen deeply; to myself, to the few people I stayed in close contact with. I never experienced this in my life; with less connection I had better connection.

Not seeing anybody in person for 4 months was weird. And stressful. Uncomfortable. But, when I finally saw them again, I could see their whole being, their humanity, as a whole, beautiful, fragile, but virtuous thing.

And I saw my humanity as a whole thing.

Lesson six: don't dig many shallow holes, but few deep ones.

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