What The Future Holds


Usually, there'd be a post called "This Past Week" on a Sunday.

But, things are changing.

As I've written many times before, one must constantly change. Without change, there's no true life.

So, I'm changing things up a bit.

This blog will become a sort of a "daily inspiration" place. Instead of writing 150-300 word posts, as I've done before, there'll be a short quote, idea, notion or something else that may be inspiring.

In late July I experimented with writing a weekly newsletter. It's called In Search For Balance and it in, I talk about a lot of the stuff we've talked about here.

I decided to make this change because with the current form of this blog I often felt that a certain topics deserves a longer post, while some could just be a one-sentence idea.

So, please go and subscribe to In Search For Balance by visiting blog.antoszek.eu.

Thanks for being here! See you tomorrow in this new format.

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