Simple sites are amazing

I'm leaving my current job. As part of my off-boarding ceremonies I decided to give people all my contacts so they can find me afterwards. I could collect all the relevant links and send them in a giant slack message, but that is not great. Then I remembered about Linktree and all the people online using it to link all their social media. It is a really good product and the idea of a site just for doing link aggregation makes a lot of sense now that our digital life is spread in multiple place...
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K8s dev cluster with Kind and Tailscale

Recently at my work we started using Kind and ctlptl to bring up a local Kubernetes cluster to use in development together with Tilt. This setup worked perfectly fine. However, when you want to run too many things (like our entire observability stack with Grafana, Prometheus, Loki and Tempo) it can take a hit on your CPU. Even then, albeit the MacBook Pro fan going wild, it was still usable. That's until I tried to stream a workshop using mmhmm, being transmitted through Zoom. Suddenly, the lo...
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Testing Listed and Standard Notes

It's been a while since I've blogged. I tried it all over my career: WordPress, Ghost, Medium, Jekyll (and other static site generators). Each one of them had their upsides/downsides. Ultimately, I realized I wanted something really simple to be able to write my thoughts without much hassle. That's where Listed + Standard Notes comes into play. I'm excited to be trying this out to share my thoughts. This is my test blog post to get this started. Let's see how that goes. ...
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