The Indo Pacific Treaty Organization

🌏 I propose for the USA to create a new security community, an Indo-Pacific Treaty Organization (IPTO), for the Indo-Pacific region with our allies in the Indo-Pacific: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand. This new alliance will provide all of our allies with the security guarantees they need to remain free, happy and prosperous, and it will remain focused on eliminating threats to the continued happiness and prosperity of our allies in the region. The USA is the strongest military power in the world, and our two strongest allies in the region, Japan and South Korea, are the 4th and 5th strongest military powers in the world. This tripartite along with the other alliance members and partners will be strong enough to face all of the challenges in the region. After IPTO is established and a mechanism for collaboration between NATO and IPTO is developed, it will be much easier for the two regions, the North Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific, to stay aligned on global challenges. This structure will allow the Indo-Pacific allies to lead the way on the Indo-Pacific strategy, and the North Atlantic allies to lead the way on the North Atlantic strategy as it should be.


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