The Indo-Pacific Treaty Organization IS Coming...

🌏 ...whether China likes it or not. The USA has mutual defense treaties with several countries in the Indo-Pacific, and those countries are feeling threatened and challenged by both China and North Korea. The USA has a responsibility to protect our allies from threats. We need a new security community for the Indo-Pacific region. Creating a new treaty organization modeled on NATO for the Indo-Pacific is the best way to deter the threats our allies in that region are facing. The USA has a duty to defend liberty and democracy in every region of the world, and that is exactly what we intend to do.

This is the reason we will be creating IPTO or as China likes to refer to it "Asian NATO."

Dear Milley, an actual military alliance is exactly what China and Russia have already formed. It actually exists already. Like actually. They do military drills together, navy drills, air force drills... etc. It's time for Milley to retire.


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