Whatever Macron

🇪🇺 None of the Europeans I talk to agree with Macron on China, nor did they agree with him on Russia.

I think if most Europeans felt safe depending on only the EU for their security, then Finland and Sweden, both EU members, would not be so eager to join NATO, and Ireland, also an EU member, wouldn't be debating their neutrality stance to open discussions on joining NATO either.

Sweden has made it clear that they stand with Taiwan, and so have many other European countries. Sweden just held a bilateral defense conference with Japan today. The current leader of NATO is Norwegian, and he has invited our Indo-Pacific partners to participate in the NATO summit. Norway has rebuked China for their human rights abuses. Italy is debating a withdraw from the Belt and Road Initiative. The Netherlands is no longer exporting chips to China... etc.

Everyone agrees it is important for Europe to be strong, and that Europe should invest in its own defensive capabilities. In fact, the USA encourages it everyday by challenging European countries to increase their defense spending and boost their defense postures. However, only a few countries in Europe are actually doing that, and they tend to be the ones most interested in staying aligned with the USA. No one in Europe is talking about cutting dependence on the USA for security guarantees. No one denies that the North Atlantic community is stronger together - cutting security guarantees is a ridiculous proposal.

Anyone that wants to maintain their liberal and democratic way of life, will want to remain aligned with the USA. Only a fool would want to drive a wedge between Europe and the USA. Only a fool would believe China or Russia has good intentions. Most Europeans are not that foolish.

The USA loves France despite some of their foolishness. The USA will still protect and defend all of Europe, while also protecting and defending the rest of the world.

Macron eventually changed his perspective on Russia, and I believe he will likely do the same on China.


Response To: https://www.politico.eu/article/74-percent-of-europeans-agree-with-french-president-emmanuel-macron-on-china-us-defense-report-shows/

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