
🇮🇪 I know some of the older Irish leaders don't want to have a discussion or a debate on neutrality. Some are even rude enough to throw out derogatory remarks to highly educated younger female professionals for even suggesting such a thing. All I have to say to that is eventually the older leaders will be gone, and the younger leaders will be making all of the decisions. And the younger leaders are open to new ideas.

We love Ireland. And protecting all of our favorite countries, and our way of life is our goal. We hope all of our favorite European countries will become members of the North Atlantic security community, and participate in our collective security.

We are concerned about Ireland's security. Russia has conducted numerous naval exercises in the Atlantic near Ireland, often provoking Irish fishermen. An attack on Ireland is a serious concern. I wouldn't take threats from Russia lightly when they have made it very clear that they have no respect for a nation's sovereignty or neutrality.

NATO was created to eliminate the possibility of war in the North Atlantic and Europe, so we can all be happy, peaceful and prosperous. We are stronger together.


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