The US Nuclear Umbrella

🇺🇸 We believe that the UK and France shall determine for themselves whether they want to use their nuclear weapons to create a nuclear umbrella for the entire NATO alliance. We are not opposed to the idea of all nuclear powers within the alliance vowing to defend all NATO allies with their nuclear weapons. However, any fear that the US nuclear umbrella would no longer include NATO allies in the future is misplaced. Our nuclear policy to defend all NATO allies will not change no matter who wins the US election. Our commitment to Article 5 will not change either. What will change in the future is the USA's nuclear arsenal will be upgraded and modernized, and our positioning of nuclear weapons as well as US military personnel on European territory will be reevaluated. We believe strengthening the Eastern flank is an important deterrent against Russian aggression. The Baltic nations will need to be strengthened as well as Finland, Poland, Romania and, of course, Ukraine when they become a NATO member. We also believe positioning new nuclear weapons in Poland will send a clear message to Russia that the USA has no intentions of leaving NATO and we absolutely will defend every inch of NATO territory. However, we believe that NATO needs to reassess current membership in the alliance. There are some members, specifically Hungary and Turkey, whose commitment to NATO's strategic objectives is extremely questionable, and to ask the American people to risk their lives for countries who appear to be intentionally undermining our collective security is inappropriate. We also have grave concerns about a NATO member committing genocide against the Armenian people. No member of NATO shall be allowed to commit genocide against any country or people for any reason and remain in the alliance or be protected by the US nuclear umbrella. xo

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