LOL China

🇨🇳 For my latest artwork, LOL China, I created a giant panda bear stuffed animal named China. It's cheap, like everything made in China, but cute. When you touch the panda's tummy, China says "you will be nailed to the pillar of shame," a threat that the Chinese Defense Minister recently made to attendees at the security conference in Singapore. China says other shocking things you would never expect from a cute panda bear, all recordings of Chinese officials. If you wave a Taiwanese flag, China beats it's fist on the ground and screams, "there's only one China." If you show China a photo of Nancy Pelosi, China covers it's eyes, and starts launching military drills and ballistic missiles. China will be on view at my pop-up gallery, Pate Projects, in Washington D.C. I intend to send a smaller version of the work to every lawmaker in the US Congress, and we may even distribute a few to visitors at the zoo in D.C. We will also gift one to the Chinese Embassy in D.C., and we will send the Chinese diplomats invites to view the larger work in our gallery space as well. xo

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