US-Cyprus Relations

🇺🇸🇨🇾 Well, I agree with this article. Cyprus is definitely a good solution for the USA, and we are happy that both the former and the current US administrations recognize this. No matter who wins the US election, the US relationship with Cyprus will grow and prosper, and we will continue to push for the reunification of Cyprus and the end to Turkey's illegal military occupation of the island. I also highly recommend Hezbollah stops threatening Cyprus before the USA decides to eliminate every single one of Iran's proxies in the Middle East. The USA can and will put an end to all of these terrorist groups once and for all. The newfound boldness of these terrorist groups, which I believe has a lot to do with Iran's nuclear program and Russia, is really starting to alarm and anger Americans. We're not going to allow the US administration to play nice with terrorists. Americans will force the US administration to eliminate the problem. xo

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