EU-China Relations

🇪🇺🇨🇳 "BYD is welcome in France and China's automotive industry is welcome in France," Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said last month. I highly doubt that French people want to work in Chinese factories, making cheap Chinese cars for Chinese overlords. The French love being French, and they love producing French things. I know Americans aren't interested in working in Chinese factories. They recalled a local election and kicked the politicians out of office over the proposal of a Chinese factory. I recommend that every politician watches the documentary, American Factory, produced by the former President Obama, no less. It's not actually about an American factory, but a Chinese factory on US soil. If that's your vision for the future, it's not a very bright one. Liberals do not support that vision. Besides that, Liberals, whether French or American, would never invite Communists into their country to set up shop. I think it is Bruno Le Maire that is dragging the French Liberals down.

Americans are vehemently opposed to China. If European companies were to create joint ventures with Chinese car companies as proposed, then Americans will start demanding a ban on European companies as well. The USA will ban all Chinese automakers and other Chinese companies for failing to play by the free trade rules. The USA will not subsidize our enemies. We will work on a better solution for climate change - one that does not involve toxic lithium-ion batteries or cheap Chinese technology of any kind. Americans see right through China, and I think most Europeans do too.

Americans are heavily invested in Europe, and Europeans are heavily invested in the USA. It makes more sense for us to work together on trade and economic issues, as we do on security issues, rather than become economic rivals. We agree with everything Ursula von der Leyen and Mario Draghi aka Super Mario has recommended thus far, and we are looking forward to Draghi's report. We named both of these European leaders as our dream team to work with. We agree that Europe needs to invest more in their own industries and startups. The Scandinavians are, in fact, leading the world in innovative climate change solutions. Instead of looking at China for answers, why not look at your neighbors in the North, many of whom are actually members of the EU. NorthVolt would be an excellent company to start a joint venture with or to subsidize if you are interested in producing EV batteries. That's what the Canadians are doing. NorthVolt is even working on a sodium-ion EV battery, which is not toxic for the environment. There are excellent Italian and German automakers. French automakers could create joint ventures with those other EU companies. Why invite China into France to destroy the market for all European automakers? Draghi recommends championing EU companies, and I agree with his proposal. I suggest championing Free World companies, which includes both American and European companies, among others, but not Chinese companies.

We wish for the USA and Europe to be more cooperative. We did not support President Biden's IRA by the way, because he had not satisfactorily addressed these issues. We believed that legislation still needed more fine-tuning. We also are not pleased that his administration has refused to work on more free trade agreements with our allies, specifically the EU and the UK. We are not pleased that he is pushing incentives for EVs before the American industry is completely prepared with it's own solutions. Instead he is essentially subsidizing Chinese companies, companies that have already received billions of dollars in subsidies from the Chinese government. We don't approve of our tax dollars being used to subsidize Chinese companies., and we will force China to pay it all back.

The younger generations, who spend a lot of time traveling back and forth between the USA and Europe, feel like citizens of both regions. We envision a future where Americans and Europeans are completely free to travel, live, work and do business in either region, even more so than we are now. We're not interested in being economic rivals with our allies.

Our vision for the future is to create a new trade bloc, a free market for the free world, a single market, the greatest single market of all time, to protect our industries from all adversaries who are clearly using government subsidies to try to destroy US and European industries and our economies. We are open to other visions as well, but we will only support visions for a bright future. xo

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