JS talk 'Write Code With Standard and ESLint'
March 16, 2018•111 words
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuHfMw8j4xk
by Feross Aboukhadijeh: https://feross.org/
at JSConf: https://2018.jsconf.eu/
I can use ESLint with the Standard linter config (for me only with the exception of the semicolon) and create a binary out of it that I can run on my project and help me get things clean.
Note to myself: Go start using this now!
Linters are here for 3 purposes:
- Programming errors
- Best Practises
- Style conventions
Prettier only cares about the last one, style, thus it should be used together with linters, such as ESLint.
Tools talked about in this talk
- Standard: https://standardjs.com/
- ESLint: https://eslint.org/
- Prettier (only a little bit): https://prettier.io/