Getting wireguard to work on the steam deck

I was able to get wireguard to work on the steamdeck without having to enable read access and install wg-tools by doing the following.

  1. I followed this youtube video except I installed ubuntu 22.04 vs 20.04
      1. Be sure to run "sudo apt-get install x11-xserver-utils" after logging into the ubuntu box. This will let the xhost user allow the gui apps and shit to work.
  2. I then followed this guide
      1. From here I was able to get my stuff to work

Everything is connecting to pfsense on the backend to set up wireguard there, check out youtube.

I followed this one.

After that I was able to connect back home and reach my local network. :D

Not sure if this is persistent yet, but time will tell after the other update. It should be tho since distrobox is located in the home directory and im using

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