Stroud Nazi Meetings

Stroud Nazi Meetings


The material promoting Hitler and The Protocol of Zion

I'm absolutely appalled to discover that there are Nazi meetings are being organised in Stroud towards the end of April.

One meeting will celebrate Hitler’s birthday, but if that isn’t bold enough, the other meeting will promote the Protocols Of the Elders of Zion - a fraudulent document from 1903 used by the Nazis and still being used today to incite antisemitism.

This is not satire, this is a nightmare reality. It is shocking and unacceptable.

ACTION: There is a public meeting from 3pm on Saturday the 30th of March at the Trinity Rooms (Field Road, Stroud, GL5 2HZ) to discuss what action we can take as a community. I'd encourage people to attend.

ACTION: If you can't attend I would encourage you to report this to the Police as the material being circulated is clearly incites hatred on protected characteristic grounds. (Public Order Act 1986 c. 64 Part 3A)

I've blurred the material so I don't fall foul of the law, but the venue, dates and times remain visible so you can report the event to the Police via their online form as Stroud District Council have advised:-

PS. Stroud District Council have advised that there is very little that they can do to prevent this sort of thing as they are taking place in private venues.

PPS. For reasons I fail to understand the administrators of Wotton's Facebook group refused this post without offering a reason from my private Facebook acct.

You'll only receive email when they publish something new.

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