Symn Lane Car Park: Update

Informal business meeting & induction - Symn Lane Car Park


Following receipt of the Stripe Consulting Report and other documentation from the Town Council, last week, I've had a meeting with the other district councillors about the car park.

We all want the car park to be opened as soon as possible. However, the developer left site a year ago and there are unresolved planning matters. The schedule of works is long and complex.

In order to get the new town councillors up to speed with the development a meeting was called, by the Town Council, for the 4th June. I was invited in my role as SDC Councillor. The purpose was to understand what's required to get the highway adopted by GCC and the car park signed off.

The Symn Lane Car Park is a Town Council led project and we were advised that the discussions were not to be made public.

Anyway, on a more personal note, the petition (started last December) to object to the planning variation to remove the 12 parking bays on the bank (if it ever comes before DCC) is still available for signature at Cookability. I will speak to that effect as it was a pre-election personal promise to those who have signed (approx. 300). Details on the Wotton Noticeboard group on Facebook.

In terms of an update, this is the most recent that I can find that's in the public domain, although there was lengthy discussion at a public meeting (Bolster Wotton, I think) in the Civic Centre at the end of April.

Following that article, these points are from town council minutes in chronological order (updated since originally published):-

P6357 Symn Lane Car Park development (November 2023)

A meeting with the parking consultants, Stroud District Council and Gloucestershire County Council will be convened to discuss the consultant’s report.

T.7042 Symn Lane Car Park (December 2023)

The developer had submitted a planning variation. Stroud District Council and the developer are in communications. Councillors were reminded to watch the Stroud District Council’s YouTube channel for webcast recordings of Housing and Planning Committees. The joint multi-organisation meeting will be arranged in January/February 2024.

T.7054 Symn Lane Car Park (January 2024)

Following a meeting with Stroud District Council officers and Stripe Consulting it was RESOLVED to generate a list of negotiation items to take forward to the developer. A meeting was arranged for 7th February to discuss and to decide which option in the consultants’ report to pursue.

T.7068 Symn Lane Car Park (February 2024)

It was RESOLVED to delegate responsibility of commissioning a solicitor for legal advice to the Town Clerk with Cllr M Tucker

T.7070 Symn Lane Car Park (February 2024)

The Stripe Consulting report and Councillors analysis and suggestions were reviewed. There was a lengthy discussion particularly on the documents on the Stroud District Council planning portal, the number of bays options and locations.

Due to the major importance to the community and the town of this car park, and so many Councillors unfortunately not being able to be at the meeting, plus further detail of the discussions needed, the Council agreed to have a business meeting to methodically go through the report plus other areas for the list for discussion at the next joint Stroud District Council/Gloucestershire County Council/Town Council meeting.

T.7089 Symn Lane Car Park (February 2024)

A lengthy discussion was held on a list of items for query and discussion with SDC and GCC. There are still several unknowns requiring SDC and GCC input. It was agreed for the list to includes Options A, B, C..etc depending on SDC and GCC discussions.

P.6408. Symn Lane Car Park development (March 2024)

There were discussions on the issues raised by the Stripe consultancy report, the District Council’s building control report, and the planning variation of the 12 bays on the embankment and the further information required which would be discussed at the joint meeting with Stroud District Council and Gloucestershire County Council.

T.7133 Symn Lane Car Park (April 2024)

An update was given on the joint meeting with Gloucestershire County Council and Stroud District Council, and responses to actions received to date.

County Cllr L Cohen left the meeting

Further information is required on the lighting options of the dark area, drainage including responsibilities of management of oil interceptors, details on substrate and ground base in different areas and requirements of the car park, bank stability and parking layout options, use of tree area. Information being obtained from Stripe Consulting, Gloucestershire County Council, Wessex Water, and Stroud District Council.

T.7140 Symn Lane Car Park (May 2024)

A new proposal was considered. The tracking report was reviewed, some bays may need to be wider and need to be explored. The S.104 Agreement would also need to be cross checked with the new proposal. It was RESOLVED to check the new proposal and the S.104 Agreement viability with Stripe Consulting.

P 6434 Symn Lane Car Park (May 2024)

An update from the Planning Officer from the Planning Authority

  • The suggested additional parking around the large Chestnut tree was inspected by the Tree Officer and Consultant to reassess the tree with the proposal of more parking spaces closer to the tree. It was confirmed that any further encroachment into the area would likely have a detrimental effect on the tree as it appears to have been under significant stress during the development.
  • The concern raised with the stability of the bank would present a risk if parking spaces were to be installed in this area.
  • Due to the complexity of the car park it was suggested that a working group meeting would be arranged so that the new Councillors would be fully brief on the project.

Mayor’s report in the Wotton Directory (July 2024)

A geo-technical survey is being carried out on the bank that is subject to a planning application, the results will help with options to discuss with the developer to enable the car park to be completed to standard.

P.6448 Symn Lane Car Park (June 2024)

It was reported that a geotechnical survey is awaited on the car park, and that the developer wishes to complete the project. To enable the Town Council to negotiate, it was decided to hold a meeting to discuss and formulate a plan. The Clerk would gather all relevant information and collate it into a pack, before circulating it to Councillors prior to a meeting on Wednesday 3rd July at 7.00pm to discuss options.

Mayor’s report in the Wotton Directory (August 2024)

The Town Council are working with Stroud District Council, Gloucestershire County Council, and the developer on completing the car park to standard, ensuring legal complance, and meeting building control, planning and highway requirements to enable a successful and fit for purpose development for legal sign off and handover.

Planning Committee Agenda (July 2024)

  1. Symn Lane Car Park development To welcome Kathy O’Leary Stroud District Council Chief Executive and discuss forthcoming joint meetings with Stroud District Council, Gloucestershire County Council, and the developer, and agree actions.  

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