Stinchcombe Parish Extraordinary Council Meeting

Stinchcombe Parish Extraordinary Council Meeting

1st August 2024

Gateway to Stinchcombe

It was a pleasure to attend Stinchcombe Parish Council meeting last night. Here are my personal notes.

Again, it's good to see residents bringing issues to Council for discussion.

It is difficult to find the minutes and agenda on the current web site, it was asked if the last set had actually been uploaded. The Chair advised that a new web site was being setup which should make things easier to find.

An update about when the swings were coming back. Groundwork starts in September.

Signage by the Rugby Club for dog walkers needs to be more prominent, people from the village know the rules, those coming from further afield do not.

A highways issue was raised that Cllr Cohen was dealing with, the Chair will chase.

Various action points from the previous meeting were discussed.

There was brief discussion about a planning application but no comment was made. I was asked to help obtain a planning enforcement update on a recently withdrawn application. There was concern about its Listed Building status and associated building works.

A response to DRFC was made following their presentation to the Council from a few weeks ago.

You'll only receive email when they publish something new.

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