SDC Councillors' report - August 2024

Wotton-under-Edge, North Nibley & Stinchcombe


Along with residents' casework and in addition to council and induction training meetings at Ebley Mill, Cllrs Kitchen, Braun & Cohen attended the regular council meetings at North Nibley, Stinchcombe & Wotton-under-Edge as well as a Symn Lane Car Park meeting 30th July.

Cllr Kitchen attended various meetings relating to the Gloucestershire Police & Crime Panel and the re-appointment of Nick Evans the Deputy PCC.

Cllr Braun attended the District Council Network Annual General Meeting, the Local Government Association AGM, South West Council’s AGM (appointed as one of the Vice Chairs), chaired the Strategy and Resources Committee meeting, attended the full Council meeting, weekly meetings with the SDC Chief Executive, the Administration Leadership Team, Regeneration and Investment Board, a briefing on the Market Towns Vitality Fund for new councillors, opening of Arlingham’s restored Village Pound, on the interview panel for the new SDC Deputy Chief Executive role (the current Strategic Director of Resources Andrew Cummings has been appointed to take on this additional role) and numerous Stroud District Council induction events and training.

Council meetings

Link to meeting agenda and documents in the committee title.

Development Control Committee - 9th July

  • Land Northwest Of Box Road, Signal Road, Cam. 5 Dwellings. Refusal
    • Erection of five dwellings on former car park and associated infrastructure and landscaping.
  • Land North East Of, Kingston Road, Slimbridge. Battery storage facility. Permitted
    • Installation and operation of a 36MW battery storage facility and ancillary equipment.
  • 19 Colliers Wood, Nailsworth, Stroud. Garden Shed. Permitted
    • Construction of a garden shed for a period in excess of four years.

Video here

Strategy and Resources Committee - 11th July

  • A number of public questions relating to Cam and its employment and economic development status were raised.
  • Leisure Centre & Lido 5 year maintenance plan requires £2.7m capital and £0.24m pa.
  • Gloucestershire Economic Strategy. Some concerns about SDC's views not being taken into account. Too urban centric. So SDC should 'note' the strategy rather than 'endorse'.
  • Community Wealth Building. Initial funding to explore an initiative to empower local communities to retain benefits locally of economic growth and building social wealth.

Video here

Audit & Standards - 16th July

  • Reviewed the Strategic Risk Register. Cyber attack and requirements of the building safety regulator were among the risks identified. Actions have been taken to mitigate these and other risks.
  • Resolved to approve the unaudited Statement of Accounts 2023/24. This is a great document showing what SDC actually does.
  • Reviewed and approved various plans & reports around audit.

Video here

Full Council - 18th July

  • Approved the 5-year investment in the Leisure Centre & Lido to allow detailed planning and delivery to commence. As per S&R Committee. Full details in press release
  • Noted Gloucestershire's Economic Strategy (2024 to 2034) which the Council felt needed more ambition, greater focus on achieving net zero / decarbonisation, more meaningful actions across all sectors on addressing the economic inequalities within communities and greater acknowledgement of differences between urban and rural areas.
  • Agreed in principle to support the Pride in Gloucestershire bid to host EuroPride in 2027.

Video here

Gloucestershire Police & Crime Panel - 26th July

Cllr Kitchen attended this Panel meeting. Best summarised by what the PCC mentioned when asked for the highlights of his Annual Report.

  • Worries about funding channelled to urban areas.
  • Wants to up the game re VAWG (Violence against women and girls)
  • PCC managed to get £1m. to deal with ASB (Anti-social behaviour). Pays for overtime. Hi-vis foot patrols.
  • Music works bus. Work with youngsters. Distract youngsters from ASB.
  • Clear, Hold Build initiative. St. Pauls and The Moors area of Cheltenham
  • MTFP (Medium term financial plan) looking at budget. 3-4 years ahead. Payroll pressures.
  • Wants to increase precept rather than make savings.
  • PCC is taking on a number of new roles outside of OPCC.

There was a presentation of the Draft Police and Crime Prevention Plan and the Joint Independent Audit Committee Annual Report. There was only time for limited questions and the Panel then ran out of time. Consequently, only about half of the agenda pack was discussed.

We did not get to hear about why, amongst many other important decisions, the Constabulary has cancelled its Open Day this year. This is an important event where the Constabulary engages with our communities, building trust and confidence.

More detailed summary here.

Webcast of meeting

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