Gloucestershire Police & Crime Panel - July '24

Summary - Shire Hall

A meeting summary and personal notes authored by Cllr Gareth Kitchen, SDC.

An early draft of this content will form the basis of a collaborative report that will feed into the Community Services and Licensing Committee at SDC.

Webcast of meeting. Agenda packs etc.


Update from the PCC

The PCC was asked for brief highlights.

  • Worries about funding channelled to urban areas.
  • Wants to up the game re VAWG (Violence against women and girls)
  • PCC managed to get ยฃ1m. to deal with ASB(Anti-social behaviour). Pays for overtime. Hi-vis foot patrols.
  • Music works bus. Work with youngsters. Distract youngsters from ASB.
  • Clear, Hold Build initiative. St. Pauls and The Moors area of Cheltenham
  • MTFP (Medium term financial plan) looking at budget. 3-4 years ahead. Payroll pressures.
  • Wants to increase precept rather than make savings.
  • PCC is taking on a number of new roles outside of OPCC.

Annual Report - Questions

A member noted that the PCC acknowledged, in his report, that there has been a drop in confidence in Policing but as now his second term he has more capacity to address this. It was noted that there was no mention of the Police Race Action Plan or the Better Together initiative. PCC says appalled at the level of violence used in recent video at Manchester Airport. However, said that the force needs to more less humble, less risk adverse less GDPR (General data protection register) neurotic (imho, these are important privacy protections for individuals). PCC wants to push back on relentless criticism.

There was mention by members of the hopelessness of previous Govt. and prisons. Failure in courts re VAWG, three years for cases to be heard. Gloucestershire courts not fit for purpose. Number of people on remand for extended periods. PCC said he agrees with many points. Last Govt. did not do well. Some pilots going on around the country for better case management. National funding for Victim Service advisors to support longer cases. A lengthy discussion on prisoner release. Members concerned about community safety due to early prisoner release with the prison capacity issues. PCC says community safety is number one priority.

Again the Manchester issue. A statement was read by the OPCC Chief Exec that the Constabulary was about to put out on social media.

Road deaths 6 last week in Gloucestershire. It was voiced that more speed cameras were needed. Deputy PCC elect noted that Community Speedwatch cameras are not enforceable, it's about education. No fixed speed cameras in the county were operational until recently, just mobile vans. Now seeing replacement of fixed cameras with average speed detection capability. Sadly and belatedly to be installed on the roads where the recent fatalities occurred.

Draft Police and Crime Prevention Plan

OPCC seeking stakeholder feedback of the Draft Police & Crime Prevention Plan. Direction from PCC wanted a strong element of continuity as well as confidence in policing. A golden thread running through about supporting our children and young people. Stop adultification of young people.

  • Creating safer communities
  • Tackling violence against women and girls
  • Strengthening your Constabulary
  • Targeting the causes of crime
  • Supporting victims and reducing reoffending
  • Increased confidence in and within policing (renamed from Empowering Local Communities)

The OPCC supports and work with many partnerships but often same people wearing different hats. A desire to share success rather than reacting to negatives. Committed to Neighbourhood Policing.

A number of new 'frameworks' (performance, commissioning, consultation and finance etc.) are being established under the Police and Crime Plan so that the OPCC can more effectively monitor the delivery of said plan. To me, this sounds like it will become a much better way for the Police and Crime Panel to scrutinise the OPCC. The Panel needs to ensure it has full access to this performance data in a timely fashion.

A member asked how VAWG, intimidation and abuse within community rather than domestic is dealt with? There is work being done in this area and open to ideas to improve. Chief Exec suggested harassment is a valid route to report.

Another question asked why priority 6 was the renamed, given that the actions within were still mainly about Empowering Communities. The PCC wanted a message of confidence, also a need to align with and focus on His Majesty's Inspectorate's approach. Surely, empowered communities will be more confident in policing anyway?

The scourge of intimidation and hate crime through social media was raised. PCC wants, if he can find budget a new Digital Desk to monitor Social Media as he's always stumbling across stuff that the Police should know about. You can now report ASB/Hate Crime online.

Members were asking for time for a convenience break we had been going for nearly two and a half hours at this point, members were restless and I had difficulty maintaining focus.

Joint Independent Audit Committee annual report

JIAC is a legal requirement and sits to maintain oversight and risk management. Annual report here. Ensuring trust in PCC and CI. They look at annual accounts and audit management risk. Look at things like priorities. Internal Audit are their eyes and ears. Examples; Cash handling, Fleet Management, body worn video and a new HR system. The Constabulary has huge savings to find over the next few years. Police have to toe the Govt. line to get funding.

Internal Audit areas and Risk Registers. Members questioned why seized cash handling (proceeds of crime?) was audited. Reassurance was sought, that hands weren't in the till, and given. PCC said Police were scrutinised more than any other service. I asked a probing question on Risk Audit, revealing that there seem to be two risk registers, one for OPCC and one for the Constabulary. I remain confused how these risks map to the Police & Crime Prevention Plan. Descriptive keys on colour coding on the audit summary (p73 of pack) and risk register to be brought back to the committee.

Chief Executive's report

It was very disappointing that time overran. Very important questions on the Chief Execs Report (around 180 pages contained in linked documents) and the Independent Custody Visitors Annual Report were deferred to next meeting.

Deputy PCC Elected

Following the main meeting we heard from the PCC why he wanted to reappoint his previous deputy. The candidate, Nick Evans, was then asked a number of pre-prepared questions by the panel. He was elected unanimously. After the meeting I did wonder if there were any legal requirements to advertise such a public sector job to ensure equality and all? But, the moment had passed, if there are I guess I'm now complicit in the decision..... Sigh.

Red Flags

This Panel ran out of time quite spectacularly. There was much talk but little substance. Quieter members of the Panel had little opportunity to participate. Consequently, the Panel did not get to hear about why, amongst many other important decisions, the Constabulary has cancelled its Open Day this year.  This is an important event where the Constabulary engages with our communities, building trust and confidence. Also, the more mundane. Why, for example, is there a budget of only ยฃ39,000 for Internal Audit? The Constabulary has a budget of ยฃ160m and is the counties fifth largest employer. This is way out of proportion when compared to a local authority like SDC, for example.

There are over a dozen hard working councillors and independent members attending this Panel. They are young, enthusiastic and diligently prepare, some having to juggle complex lives to attend, representing their constituents, all in the name of public service.  The format of this Panel needs overhaul, imho, in order to properly hold the OPCC and therefore the Constabulary to account.

I have raised my concerns, in blunt fashion, internally.


Update (9th Aug): Official minutes

Update (11th Aug): e-mail Accuracy of Minutes - P&C Panel

Update (22nd Aug): Report to Community Services and Licensing Committee

You'll only receive email when they publish something new.

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