Day9 Regular Catholic

I'm a regular Catholic. I show up at Mass on Sundays and on Holy Days. I put some money in the basket. I'll buy breakfast tacos or cookies when someone is selling them. I know the prayers and I know when to stand, when to sit, and when to kneel. A regular Catholic. 

I love to go to Mass. Days that I'm not working, I go to Mass. Sometimes I manage to go to Mass during lunchtime days that I do work.

I make a Confession a handful of times each year. I prayerfully examine my conscience. My confessions tend to be quite short and clear. I trust that the Lord will forgive me. To me, Confession is more about the grace of God than my sin.

I pray the Rosary. I find it a great source of encouragement and inspiration and comfort. I pray slowly and really spend time with the mysteries. Praying the Rosary has deepened my spiritual life.

I read the Bible, pray over it, and mull over it. I hear Scripture in Mass. I read Scripture alone. I belong to a couple groups that read the Bible together. I'm not good at memorizing Scripture, but I know the stories. I can usually describe where the story is, what book and sometimes the story before it and the story after it. I can get you in the neighborhood but from there, you'll have to look around a bit. 

Sometimes I just soft of hang out with the Lord. I sit with him, and He draws me up out of my self and He encases me in a bubble of His delight in me and His giddiness because of the plans He has for me. I had a friend who uses to get a little annoyed when I talked about stuff like that. My friend would say, "You know He doesn't do stuff like that only for you!" Of course, the Lord doesn't do stuff like that only for me. The Lord desires to have that kind of relationship with each person. With you.

I've lost my track a bit. Or maybe I'm exactly on track. It all goes together, when I stop to consider it at all.

It all goes together. I'm a regular Catholic.

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