Tuesday, Sep 3, 2024 at 5:32 PM
update This week I will again be moving content from my old blogs to my paragraph. Https://paragraph.xyz/@lhasa I have a lot to move. I’ve moved one blog(poetry styles) so far. It was the shortest of my past blogs. Next I’ll be moving “K: The Journey,” which catalogs my time with ketamine infusions. Then I’ll do ‘Escapism’ as it’s relatively short too. And the last will be ‘Loki Listens,’ because it consists of around 500 entries. Jack Lhasa Exoteric ...
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Fundraising to Live
Hi everyone, I lost a great deal of funds when the market turned down recently. Since then I have not been able to do much of anything because I lack the gas and fees. I am disabled, and this is my only income. I suffer from regular migraines, back pain, treatment resistant depression and anxiety, Irritable Bowel, ADHD, and uncontrollable insomnia. When I crunched the numbers, it came to needing about 100 $USDC, or equivalent, to get me back into the game. I’ve posted several times on Lens...
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The Process
((Published to listed)) Interview Answers From Farcaster Conversations My process (published as replies on Farcaster) Questions were asked by Lauren at Lamp Photography https://far.quest/lampphotography (How did you create it?) I use a really complicated method for most of my art. It started with a photograph. I then tweaked it with GiMP, creating the color swatches and removing the background. Then I put it into an AI, in order to make it not look like a photo. After tweaking the AI ...
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Wednesday, Aug 7, 2024 at 11:51 PM
Thieves in the Palace SPREAD THIS FAR AND WIDE. REPOST IT. RECADT IT. COPY AND PASTE IT ON EVERY SITE YOU CAN. So, the truth surfaces with “Vibra”. BvDaniel(Lens and Farcaster handle) is a criminal. Hopping from one project to another, just when people start to use it, all to fleece new VCs. @zurfsocial(an iOS app that ran on Lens and Farcaster) was a complete scam. Its dead now, and the team has moved on to Vibra. This is the 3rd such project. Fucking the little guys. You know, the use...
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HyperSub Service
This is a thought flow piece. None is promised. This is merely brainstorming before the project. Hypersub Subsciption option https://hypersub.withfabric.xyz/s/girls-of-summer-avvkk8wpoagw It’s professional in design and ease of use. The help section could be a bit more helpful. The biggest problem is what to offer my subscribers. Definite Bonuses. Newsletter every 1-2 weeks access to all gated material. At least one monthly NFT. This nft will feature the month name and year, otherwis...
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Saturday, Jul 6, 2024 at 1:55 AM
My first entry. I’m still learning. J ...
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