The Greater Play
The universe, as we know it, operates in "automatic mode," guided by the laws of physics and progressing steadily into the future. Humans, as part of this system, also move forward in an automatic way. Our choices, often perceived as free will, are merely the outcomes of past actions and their consequences—a product of cause and effect. Evidence and reasoning suggest that free will might be an illusion. Additionally, humans are not isolated beings; we are interconnected through countless constra...
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Human Constraints
Human life is just the same as animal life. The only difference is that we have a new feature of consciousness. Even though it may seem that humans are superior to animals, we are just like them. What makes us the same are constraints. These constraints ultimately decide our actions, and because of that, human life has been able to survive through time. Constraints are like limitations or factors that influence our decisions. For example, survival and sex. There are many constraints and differe...
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The Idea of Hell
Let's imagine a world where there is no law or judicial system, but many religions, all of which share one thing in common: the idea of hell. While the concept of heaven may or may not exist in some religions, the idea of hell is universally present. The perception of hell varies, but its core premise remains the same: people suffer for their misdeeds after death. This concept of hell is fundamentally wrong in terms of justice and human nature. Let’s explore why. First of all, we are born with...
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The Gift of Consciousness
With our existence, we have been given a gift of consciousness. This gift is so precious that one can create any story one wants to make. This power gives way to connecting with other conscious fellow beings, and thus they collectively write a bigger story. It is true that all stories cannot have to be joyful or miserable. We as humans have come so far that with this gift we unravel the big mystery of this unknowable universe. It has enabled us to think and make a choice. Choices are not reall...
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The Tragedy of A Died Soul
Ceaseless is the suffering of human beings. Life isn’t a gift to be freely received, but something we must trade or exchange for. But we have given a mysterious gift called a soul which enables us to harmonize our emotions with the human beast. So far, nobody has concluded anything on existence on soul, but we as human knows there is something in us that makes us unique. Our existence would be an illusion, if there were no soul. I am certain that i do not need be a theist to have a soul. Soul...
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The Last Session
What really is a last session of something? A session in which you do something one last time. You think that you will be satisfied one last time. You may try to devise a plan for it, but it is not going to work. It does not work because we can't be satisfied one last time. You think you can quit something by having one last session. You see, this is a very false way to quit something; it's like telling a serial killer, "Here is your last session; you can perform one last murder." Let's say yo...
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The Vicious Cycle Or The Vicious Spiral
A man goes through a series of the same events with a series of the same action. Even though the events are not in favor of him, he keeps trying every day to change that one action that leads him to the same outcomes, but he fails every time. He tries different methods, ideas, and procedures, and sometimes he fails victoriously by just an inch, and other times he makes the same mistakes. The cycle of his pain keeps continuously moving, with the man facing pointless suffering with each cycle. Be...
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