A 2021 Comes
December 28, 2020•899 words
Just a couple of things to get off my chest.
For starters, I have a bunch of personal goals I want to accomplish and fulfill. A portion of these habits will replace bad ones, hopefully resulting in a more focused, happy, healthy, and prosperous life from now on.
- return to working out four times a week
- writing hopefully seven days a week
- shooting more creative photography
- learn a new language with duolingo
Things to decrease/limit
stimulation from artificial sources (my phone screen time usually hovers around 6-8 hours a day
- youtube consumption (I have learned so much from youtube, but without application, what's the point)
- Instagram consumption of discovering & reels
- Snapchat consumption of discover
- Pornography consumption
- and knowing some of these things will create a vacuum just being mindful of mindless consumption
limiting my simple sugar intake
I'm also going to be working on selling more of the items that I don't use/ have never used. If we die, we can't take anything with us, and if I were to move to another state or country, I'm not taking 90%+ of my things. So in the coming year, I need to figure out what I'm keeping and what I'm selling. Related to this is clothing. It does give me joy, but at the same time, I do think I have too many things. In the future, I want to find the 20% of items that use 80% of the time and then add some necessary utility pieces that can do the job of the other 20%.
I need to get my teeth aligned/whitened
Lastly, I need to figure out how to interact with people again. Before going to university, I was raised in a homeschool family, so I didn't have many friends, to begin with, but I do feel blessed to have the ones I did. I stepped out of my shell during university thanks to my fast best friend, who I later dated. With recent events with minimal interaction with people, I feel very isolated, even going as far as to question what friends are again. I know it's a two-way street, but when no one reaches out, it can feel lonesome. As we advance, I will reach out to some of my acquaintances and old friends to see if they can help me realize what friends are again. I'm also going to be posting my availability on Instagram to push anyone that wants to hang out but felt like they were being a bother (how I usually think about reaching out). Depending on how well the Instagram campaign goes will determine how long it will run. Helping with my reintegration, I'm going to be re-reading "Mate" "Batchelor pad economics" and "how to win friends and influence people."
I know 2020 was challenging in many ways for many people. I took a toll mentally and relationally but blessedly also secured a decent first full-time job. 2021 is going to be one great year.