Saturday, Jul 6, 2024
hey y'all I just got access to my listed account back and I wanted to give an update. I am married! It's been two years since then and life is really looking up. second, I have held three jobs since resigning from my first job out of university and next week I'm resigning from my current job to work for my wife as an assistant/house-husband. I will spend the rest of my days reading orders, packing orders, and shipping with more responsibility on the house front like cleaning, cooking, and takin...
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Digital minimalism update
First off the good things. I learned how to solve a rubik's cube (sub 5mins so far), and I'm getting back into anime with the new season of log horizon and Kuroko no Basket. I've been having trouble with digital minimalism. Staying off social media is easy but I don't think I was ready for the social isolation that comes from it. I have all the things against me, I was homeschooled growing up, moved to a rural area when I was about twelve, and drove an hour to university so I never really got t...
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A 2021 Comes
Just a couple of things to get off my chest.For starters, I have a bunch of personal goals I want to accomplish and fulfill. A portion of these habits will replace bad ones, hopefully resulting in a more focused, happy, healthy, and prosperous life from now on.Habits:return to working out four times a weekwriting hopefully seven days a weekshooting more creative photography learn a new language with duolingoThings to decrease/limitstimulation from artificial sources (my phone screen time usually...
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Better Now
Everything seems to be working for the better now. I have a new job that is challenging but I like it, I have a new car that works, I am in the best shape i've ever been in, and my mental health is back in a good place. My new job has me doing a lot of video and photo work (and all the editing that goes with it). My favorite projects is when I get to do some photoshop work and I have already fallen back in love with it. With reading my total listening time on audible is about to reach 2 months...
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the crazy thing about this platform is that it keeps pulling me back. I've changed the name to something I think is a bit more interesting but also more honest about what content people expect to find here. reading my last post I realize that what I was about to put here today would of been the same thing except worded differently. I have grown since my first relationship ended but I imagine that healing and acceptance will only come with the passage of time. I've been contemplating writing a s...
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I’m sorry I don’t always talk about my feelings, I want to make it up to some of you by at least putting them here. And then I’ll put every one of these disappearing notes in a permanent location so I can log my progress and feelings Sleeping on this couch is something that will help. Entrusting friends with some of my struggles is the first step to growth. What other steps can I take? As I said to one of my friends tonight is that I work best when I have a small area of focus. I like working a...
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The next year of my life is going to be crazy
it has been so crazy that I forgot to start writing the rest of this artical. I'm a little overwhelmed and that is leading to slow productivity which adds to the stress and compounds the problem. I don't really know whats going on. what I do know is that I've read these books since we last left. The Vexed Generation (Magic 2.0) Steelheart (The Reckoners) Firefight (The Reckoners) Calamity (The Reckoners) Mitosis (The Reckoners) Meet the Frugalwoods Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson Currently re...
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Recap: I’m not dead
So I haven’t been here for a while, here is what I’ve done since my absence. I was in Italy when I was writing the majority of my #100days challenge but I was keeping it secret for safety reason. I stayed there for a month for some summer classes (two B’s). I went to Colorado with my girlfriend and her family for a week which was awesome I recently fell in love with a book series called Everyone loves large chests which I listened to on audible but recently found out that it’s a web series tha...
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The start of something new.
Day 1Hello, my name is Christian. I want to run a brand named GLSSJG. But, where do I start?I think this is a great place to start. Creating, Building, Doing something. This is probably going to be something that I hope has a smaller community as opposed to the big entertainment company I want to build. These notes will be linked to in my first video, and then I plan just to let word of mouth carry it to whoever wants to hear.I've been watching Youtube for a long time, and finally, I want to mak...
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