bokeh plot

Bokeh Plot ...
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Countries with high inflation

42 countries have a historical inflation rate above 8%. The sum of these countries GDP in 2017 was USD 6,719,239 million - this is 35% of the United States' GDP. Historical inflation is calculated as the average CPI between 2000 and 2017. The table below shows the inflation rate, along with GDP numbers and sample size. The two GDP columns can be used to gauge the size of each economy. The reason for the sample size n to be less than 17 is if the inflation rate is NA. Data comes from the World ...
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Personal income statement and balance sheet

I completed an exercise which gave me the impression of having a thorough understanding of my personal finances. The exercise takes 5 to 10 min so it was worthwhile. I will try to repeat it once a year. It goes like this: Write down your balance sheet Write down your monthly cash flows Balance sheet Write down all major assets (A) and liabilities (L). In my case that is: apartment, morgage, equity funds, and student debt. The sum of all assets minus the sum of all liabilities is my persona...
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Bitcoin information for beginners

If you know close to nothing about Bitcoin, but are curious and want to know the facts, the videos listed below will serve your needs well. The real value of bitcoin and crypto currency technology a 6 min animated video. What is Bitcoin? a quick 1.5 min intro by Bitcoin 101, a talk by Andreas Antonopoulos, but only the first 10 min is interesting. Trust disrupted, a mini documentary about blockchains by TechCrunch in the format of 7 videos 7 min each. The Essence of How Bitcoin Wo...
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Skulden på den gamla lägenheten är idag 2.1 miljoner. Om vi vet att lånelöftet ligger på 3.8 miljoner, och tror att priset på den gamla lägenheten kommer att ligga mellan 2.5 och 2.9 miljoner, då får vi följande samband mellan försäljningspriset på den gamla lägenheten (övre raden) och hur mycket den nya lägenheten maximalt kan kosta (under raden). Sälj: 2.5 2.55 2.6 2.65 2.7 2.75 2.8 2.85 2.9 Köp: 2.33 2.67 3 3.33 3.67 4.0 4.33 4.5 4.55 Om vi däremot är osäkra på hur stort lånelöftet...
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Passive investing beats active

A professor at NYU has provided empirical evidence that passive investing beats active. He also explains why this is. Any avid reader of financial literature already have heard these arguments, however, professor Damodaran's video presentation and blog post is an easy read for anyone that does not have a thorough financial background. Damodaran breaks his argument into four sections. 1. Active managers cannot collectively beat the market This is just pure math, as proved by Sharpe in 1991. Som...
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Buy cheap wine and relabel it

Does All Wine Taste the Same? was an article in the New Yorker. I summarize the post below in a few bullets. A cheap wine won a wine competition (the panel consisted of experts). White wine were poured into two glasses, then one of them was tinted with red food coloring. The experts thought very differently of those two glasses. A certain wine bottle was presented in two forms: one with the original lable and one with a fancy lable — the experts critized the formed and praised the latter. ...
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Reading on the web

Here is a good workflow for reading from the web. Firstly, pick a few sources that you want to read from. Save their RSS to (In the background, every new article is now saved into feedly.) Secondly, install the feedly app on your phone. When you have some idle time, scroll though the RSS feed in you app and hit “save for later” on the articles you would like to read. (In the background, a script places the saved items on Thirdly, when you have time and ene...
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Online account names

It is good to have some structure when choosing names for online services such as email and twitter. Here is the order that I try them out in. If the first name is taken, I go to the second one, and so on. Jacob Lindberg JacobLindberg Jacobv Vlindberg Jacobvlindberg jacob930321 ...
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