
I am a southern guy, raised in Alabama. I am a regular practitioner of Transcendental Meditation. I love to kayak, hike, and cook on my smoker. I am a homebrewer and have brewed professionally a few times. I am a 20+ year IT leadership veteran specializing in the data and applications side of the IT shop.

Moving data via apis in bat file

You can use batch files (also known as .bat files) to extract data from the Facebook API and insert it into a Twitter post via the Twitter API. Here's a general overview of one approach: Use cURL to make a request to the Facebook API and save the response to a file. curl -X GET "{page-id}?fields=id,name,posts{message,picture,link}&access_token={access_token}" -o data.json Use a command-line tool like jq to parse the JSON response and extract the data yo...
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Note to Auburn President and AD

Good evening, I am writing to you as a deeply concerned Auburn alum. Like so many others of the Auburn family, I am incredulous that Hugh Freeze would be considered as the next head football coach of Auburn University. I am dumbfounded that in the year 2022 a university would consider hiring a sexual predator in any capacity. From his days at Briarcrest Christian in Memphis to his current tenure at Liberty, Freeze has a habitual record of sexual harrassment of minors, lewd and inappropriate beh...
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