Note 12

transcribed [NADINE]

transcription [text] beginning

Unknown 0:06
For the past couple couple of days I've been trying to write you once again. I was trying to write a shortened text message have a letter that is permanent countless hours, miles, days and nights. from dusk to dawn from dawn to dusk, writing you became closer to 40 page pages of words I wanted to say to you here I am. I'm thinking this letter cannot be not sin.

Unknown 1:18
But first things first I need to meet you. I need to tell you something to face before anything else you must hear what I have to say. Please don't say like send it in a message because I can

Unknown 1:59
not. literally I'll be cowering, this is literal cowardice.
why would i text you after all this time?!

Unknown 2:15
after all this time? It hurt me when a mutual told me of your father's passing because I I know how devastating of a situation that must have been.

Unknown 2:45
I wasn't even near to offer you solace or condolences, whatever. I didn't know except after more than a month which is really depressing. And then the error that was already depressing.

Unknown 3:06
As two years on able to talk, smile. I couldn't laugh. I couldn't be myself. And for the past year if something

Unknown 3:21
I just didn't want to meet you or have a chance with you. When I was depressed and sad and everything was heartbreaking.

Unknown 3:37
That doesn't mean I'm waiting for things to be perfect now. Just like now, I wanted to meet you have my chance with you. Now, whenever things fucked up, literally fucked up everything is fucked up.

Unknown 4:03
This time, I'm honest I can only with the truth and my honest but this does not mean I have nothing to offer you

Unknown 4:17
know I'm not here to tell you just some nonsensical I'm sorry. All I mean is that I'm not here to play. You know. I'm not a player with you. I have one to offer. I'm serious about it. And I'm gonna try. I'm gonna take my full potential. I'm gonna give myself a chance. You're gonna take it to its full potential. Life is too short. Believe me. Life is too short. For all this hurt. All this hatred. All this cut ties. This is worthless. I have is way shorter than all of this

Unknown 5:24
I think you a lot. No. Remember you many, many times during the day. I found that you're attached with me. To me and many things.

Unknown 5:44
No one with very short time like you could have ever stamp my heart like this. New stamp might so so. Every line I make my take. I remember you I recall your face. I see arised right in front of me. Looking into mine through to my soul

Unknown 6:20
every checkpoint, I have aid, every adventurous road trick to get of course drugs and I really really really know how to get good drugs you're with me on the day of the light and I can no longer I can no longer maintain one more second and the same state that I'm in so please, just do not reject me or ignore me for nothing. I want you to meet me. I want you to have dinner or a drink. I like cold beverages by the way and why? Coffee and tea and hot drinks in general. And I'm 24/7 in the streets seriously. I'm out all day, all week. So if you care to join me as soon as possible, please. I need that. Think of that like that. I need to reach you, myself for my own sake and for keeping my own sanity. Don't just put please don't just like leave me on scene. I'll just ignore requiring me. Don't just reject me for anything. Just give me the fucking chance. Throw me out the door. I will not open my mouth. But now believe me. I don't know if your relationship or not, could be married. I don't know this way or that I'm gonna try. I'm gonna take my chance this time and no one there there are very few policies about me. Like I said, I really do really, really do get really really good trucks. And I never go back to my axis. You want to know why? Because it's nonsense. Go back to your ex. And I didn't want to lose you like forever and for what less than a month in a relationship and guarantee you we would have likewise on that

Unknown 9:30
meal father's So Western peace the you and your family find solace and can go since and please just try to treat me like a treat you with respect. I used to tell you all out you're an exception but I just realized too late that you don't know Not from what you're accepted. But I'm very serious. I have something that I need to tell you and something that I need to offer. To me it's life and death believe me I'm just making up a state of seriousness No, really. I I would rather die than not see why to face what I want to tell you and believe is not just miserable. I'm sorry. No. It's not gonna waste your time for watching.

Unknown 10:45

Unknown 10:47
Yes, take your time was or timing a place a time of your choice. Believe me I will set up myself accordingly ever seen soon. I hope this finds you. Bye bye.

transcription [text] end

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