Sanket Kogekar

Not everything I write is perfect, and it doesn’t have to be either.

The Cookie Thief - A poem about kindness and assumptions

The Cookie Thief - by Valerie Cox A woman was waiting at an airport one night, With several long hours before her flight. She hunted for a book in the airport shop, Bought a bag of cookies and found a place to drop. She was engrossed in her book but happened to see, That the man sitting beside her, as bold as could be, Grabbed a cookie or two from the bag in between, Which she tried to ignore to avoid a scene. She munched cookies and watched the clock, As the gutsy "cookie thief" diminished h...
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When people refer to god

If you are a very logical person and find yourself getting annoyed when people seek or mention GOD, it typically falls into one of these four categories: Science (physics, evolution, etc.) Pure luck (fate, coincidence) The unknown (magic, uncertainty, etc.) The need for support (emotional or mental) Simply replace it with one of the above in your mind, and you'll never have to wrestle with their thoughts again. -> Only clear thinkers can distinguish these differences. Don't bother trying...
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Misfortune can turn out to be blessings in disguise

There was a farmer whose horse ran away. He was deeply saddened, as this horse was vital to his work. But the very next day, the horse returned, bringing with it five more horses. His neighbours congratulated him on his good fortune, and suddenly, what seemed like a loss turned into a blessing. A few days later, the farmer’s son was riding one of the new horses, but he fell and broke his leg. Again, the farmer was filled with sorrow. Shortly after, the military came to the village, drafting a...
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Focus on things that truly matter

If you had to fight a giant (say, the strongest person in the world) 100 days from now, and it's a win-or-die type of fight, here’s what matters: "You being alive on the day 101" Which is powered by: Your planning and execution over the next 99 days - building strength, right eating habits, improving technique and focus, training rigorously, developing a winning spirit and faith, etc. [strategy] How you perform on the 100th day to win the fight. [tactics] Now, here are the things that don’...
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Do what needs to be done

Imagine there are two kingdoms: one is yours, and the other belongs to your enemy. You know that a battle will break out eventually, and only one will survive. You can craft certain strategies to defeat the opposing kingdom. Among those strategies, you will identify some with a higher chance of success—more than any other course of action you could take. Now, keeping that strategy in mind, the only thing that matters is execution, exactly as planned. The amount of love or hate you have for the ...
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Before you do something

Ask: What things need to be done? Which ones can you do better than others? What's the most efficient way to do them? Is it worth your time, energy, and attention? How can you make it simple, and how can you make it fun? ...
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