Last Day
May 12, 2020•159 words
Monday March 2, 2020 was my last day for the forseeable future working downtown at the office on Fourth Avenue. I went to work normally that morning and noticed the news about the spread of the virus and the mounting deaths here in King County. My project lead out in VA suggested that my coworker and I begin working at home. I don't think I would have thought of it, at least not yet, had he not suggested it.
It turned out to be good advice, and I've been working home since. And the news outside has gotten steadily worse. It is a new norm to log on to the news in the morning and find out how many people have died locally over the past 24-hour period. And then to check world news, as the virus epicenter has shifted from China to Italy. As I told my daughter today, none of us has experienced anything like this before.