



  1. 處 - chu3 - get along handle; live
    虍 - hu1 - "stripes of tiger" (radical 141) [sound component]
    処 - chu4 - "person resting against table" [form component]

  2. 傳 - chuan2 - to pass on; spread; transmit
    人 [form] + 專 (zhuan1) [sound]

  3. 專 - zhuan1 - focus; concentrate; special
    top "tile used in weaving" [form] + 寸 cun4 [form]

  4. 創 - chuang4 - to begin; initiate; create
    倉 cang1 [sound] + dao1 knife [meaning], orig "wounded by knife"

  5. 此 - ci3 - this
    left zhi3 foot [form] + bi3 [form], pic of person, orig "foot kicking person; kick someone"

  6. 次 - ci4 - order; sequence
    二 er4 [form and sound] + "person sighing [form], orig "secondary, inferior"


處理 - chu3 li3 - to handle
相處 - xiang1 chu3 - to be in contact with

傳統 - chuang2 tong3 - traditional
傳真 - chuan2 zhen1 - fax; facsimile
傳染 - chuan2 ran3 - to infect; contagious
上傳 - shang4 chuan2 - to upload

專家 - zhuan1 jia1 - expert; specialist
專業 - zhuan1 ye4 - speciality; major (in university)
專心 - zhuan1 xin1 - to concentrate

創造 - chuang4 zao4 - to create; to produce
創作 - chuang4 zuo4 - to create; produce; write

因此 - yin1 ci3 - thus; as a result
如此 - ru2 ci3 - in this way; so

這次 - zhe4 ci4 - this time
其次 - qi2 ci4 - next; secondly
上次 - shang4 ci4 - last time

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