Organizing Your Onyx Boox Notes: Tips for Better Note-Taking

If you're anything like me, you might find yourself struggling with time management every now and then. Over time, I've adopted tools and techniques that have significantly improved my productivity and time management. In this post, I'll share one such technique, with concrete examples of how I use it daily. This method is particularly useful for organizing notes and libraries on e-ink tablets or Onyx Boox devices, but it can also be applied to many devices and platforms.

The Importance of Structure in Our Digital Lives

I love when things are organized. However, maintaining a well-organized digital life can be challenging. Many of us lack a solid structure behind our digital organization, especially compared to the offline world where we have a natural instinct for organizing physical spaces. In this post, I'll focus on organizing my Onyx Boox notes and book library, but remember that these basic principles can be applied to various contexts.

Creating a Simple, Effective Organization System

As a human, my consistency in implementing these techniques is sometimes inconsistent. Nevertheless, I try to keep things as simple as possible. When I first create a note, I save it to an "Inbox" folder. Once I'm done with the note, I move it to its designated folder for easier searching later on.

Striking a Balance with Folders

When creating folders, it's crucial to strike a balance between having too many or too few. For instance, if you write daily journals, having a single "Daily Journals" folder will suffice. Your note file naming will handle the rest (more on that later).

Naming Folders and Files

When it comes to naming folders and files, personal preferences play a significant role. I usually avoid spaces in folder names to prevent issues when running commands. Folder names should remain fairly static over time, as they represent high-level organization.

Organizing Files by Name

To keep my files organized, I use a specific naming format that includes relevant information about the content:

  • YYYY-MM-DDhigh-leveldetail-level (e.g., 2023-01-10ideasfile-formatting)

This format separates the date, high-level topic, and low-level topic, making it easy to identify and search for specific notes.

Final Thoughts on Organizing Your Onyx Boox Notes

By implementing these organization techniques, you can better manage your notes and digital files across various devices and platforms. Remember, these methods can be adapted to suit your needs, so don't be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you.

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