Stuck on a problem

It's been a long week at work. My team and I have been struggling to figure out a solution for using Kerberos authentication with our legacy reporting software.

It's been frustrating. Nothing I try seems to work. This kind of thing happens from time to time. I run into a problem that needs solving, but I just can't seem to crack it. A part of me has a hard time putting it down to focus on other tasks. It's not a matter of pride. It's not that I need to be the one to solve it, it just needs to be done. I'd be over the moon if somebody found the solution. Then I can finally get it out of my head and move on.

If you have ever worked in programming, you might appreciate what I'm going through. It's that extra semicolon you can't see, or a configuration that's slightly wrong. Each attempt, you think "this might be the one", and nothing changes. You spend hours on it, only to have nothing to show for it. I've read through every stackoverflow post on the topic, sometimes more than once. I've gone past the first page of search results. I've even consulted with several of our AI overlords.

Maybe you set it aside for a bit and a few days later it hits you and it's fixed. Well... I'm not at that point yet. Anyway, I think this next SO post might be the answer...

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