Are They Really The Vocal Minority?

This is not the project that I have been working on most of the day.

I originally had this idea of time-traveling notes from my future self. Written from my perspective ten years in the future, writing to me in 2023, to tell me of the progression of the United States from this point forward. They take the shape of a deeply intimate conversation with me, in journal form. The entry that I, Present William, wrote in my journal this morning, was the subject matter of the letter from Future William.

I, (Future William) go on, to explain to myself, that it is impossible to send physical matter through time, but at the quantum level, it becomes possible to send data through time. The easiest way is to send messages through Standard Notes. The encryption provided is enough to tangle the bits and have them appear as already written pieces, from 10 years in the future.

I? Me? Him? Future? Present? How does one refer to a future version of myself, speaking to me of future events in the past tense? I'm an okay writer, but trying to figure out the tenses is enough to give me-current, a headache. Me-future lays out a possible scenario where the country has fractured.

It's a nightmare scenario, but one that could very well happen. His explanation for how Trump won, is one that seems possible if you think time-traveling data streams are possible.

Bots are actually soldiers in this war. They are the vehicles that are used to influence the past. AI plays a central role, as it does in most dystopian thrillers, but this time it wasn't the machines that rose up. Instead, AI was used to create probabilities that someone would not fit well in that little block of society. It also helped create DNA-specific nano viruses.

I went round-the-bend on some of this and may eventually publish them. I started writing them though because I am fearful for the future of this country. The left, which I count myself a part of, is so focused on National politics that they have completely ignored politics at the state level; unless those states matter. Nothing gets done in Washington. It is someplace to go to make noise, sound good, and become a politician. The actual laws are being written and rewritten at the state level, which the left has ceded, for no other reason, than that they are red states.

Public schools are under attack in red states across this nation. Just this year, Missouri and Iowa have signed voucher laws. Kansas is set to advance a bill. Books are being outlawed.

What it means to be you is also under attack. Anti-Trans bills have sprung up in dozens of state houses. Abortion is banned at the state level. And states are putting into effect laws that limit the power of the federal government.

They may be the vocal minority, as some would say, but they have consolidated power, to the tune of having control of 29 state legislatures. 34 are needed to call for a constitutional convention.

That would spell the end of the United States as we view it today.

Everything could and would be up for grabs. Imagine constitutional amendments:

  • Defining marriage.
  • Banning abortion.
  • Declaring that homosexuality is a choice and that all practitioners need to be "educated" about their choices.
  • A national religion.
  • English Only
  • The abolition of all the Amendments after 10.
  • Hell, the abolition of all the amendments.
  • A return to the 3/5th clause.

That's just the shit that I hear from the people that I pass in the grocery store. I was raised in this culture, if you want to call it that, and have escaped. I am fluent in GOPspeak and their goal is a return to 1950s America mixed with religious fervor. It is very much freedom, as long as you toe the line; not freedom to be the person that you are inside.

The leftists that still remain in these states, these rural democrats, are looking, pleading with the national party for help. I am outnumbered 8:1 in my state.

It's our own fault really. When left with disinformation, people are going to believe what their pastors and those around them tell them.

The same people from either side that aren't courting my vote, are the same people that aren't courting anyone else vote either. No political party today courts the vote of the working poor, the homeless, the addicted, or the impoverished. They pay lip service to the middle class and keep their corporate overlords happy. They talk well, and provide a good act for the media, but very much leave out a large portion of the American public.

I always get asked why I don't leave and the simplest answer is this is my home. I think about escaping to the PNW, I actually have plains in motion to do just that, but then I get to thinking about it; This is where my ideology was formed, this is my spiritual homeland, and this is where I first fell in love. This is where my mother is buried. Beyond that, beyond the beauty of the Plains, I stay because I believe it is possible for Democrats to win here.

That's just at the state level. When we expand to a worldview, it becomes more disheartening and I am not about to get into that again. I start to pull on that string and see numerous scenarios that could play out, according to the temperature of Washington.

The only thing that Future William wrote that I really want to share is this:

It was too late once we realized that we had been playing a different game, with a different set of rules. The GOP of that era used Christian Nationalism to cloak Fascism in the robes of Lady Liberty, and they called it Democracy.

He also added this as a postscript:

P.S. "They don't gotta burn the books, they just remove 'em."
--Zack de la Rocha, Rage Against The Machine. 1996

This article was originally published on Medium.

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