Ifs and Thens
July 28, 2022•379 words
[024] ... [General]
As mentioned in my very first post, I discovered this platform built-into Standard Notes rather late, and since having got into, used to generally glance at the list of other authors that the homepage links to. It was a bit intriguing (though not particular) not to find mine among the recent even after three weeks. Considering it to be probably getting updated monthly, or based on a few other criteria like regular posting or the word counts and such I refrained from seeing it on a daily basis. --// Day before, I just happened to visit the settings part after the initial setup, and casually unchecked to hide bio, that was turned on with the consideration of it being not so important to draw others. And guess what, yesterday the homepage had a surprise when checking after long, having added mine among the recent! //-- May be the little option made the difference. It's not at all important personally, definitely not a "Forbes list" to get added to, but brings a sense of responsibility even though only one among the few that I intimated cared to have a look! I had also turned off the subscribe-to part from the same angle, and when unchecked, saw that it also supports RSS feed than just through email.
The above is to just note the differences that small things lead to, as in life, to good or bad. Logic works in learning things if you keep an eye on what the last step did, "Oh! if This, then That approach", which makes it easier to adapt. In fact that's how I, or most of us have learnt to use computers, from the scary first day of finding the right button to bring it to life, crazy on-screen cursor movements, wrong clicks, wondering how to turn it off and such. The usual story. But we pick-up nevertheless with or without help, learn to explore, find new interests, and graduate to becoming more productive. Often, learning from mistakes has better impact than getting it right by fluke in the first go, like the right word on "Wordle" game in the very first guess, that wins the game no doubt, but leaves out the joy of learning to solve, thinking hard...