10 Reasons Need to Visit a Urologist

Urology is one of the undermined medical fields but one of the most important in terms of reproductive and the excretory system. A urologist helps men achieve optimum health by caring for the urinary system, the prostate glands, and overall reproductive health. 

A urologist in Singapore can diagnose, treat, prevent, or monitor an existing disorder to prevent diseases from becoming fatal. Unfortunately, although seeing a doctor is imperative to achieving overall health, most men feel embarrassed seeing a urologist. It is particularly true given that Singaporeans are reserved and shy when confronting such issues.

Getting a checkup, mainly when signs and manifestations of a kidney bladder disease are showing, is a practical reason. Here are the ten reasons to see a urologist immediately:

  • Difficulties controlling bladder functions. 

Urinary incontinence is one of the primary reasons why getting a checkup is essential. Though the severity of this condition varies per person, getting checked is critical to rule out possible complications. There are four types of urinary incontinence caused by different etiologies.

  • Overactive Bladder

  • Mixed Incontinence

  • Overflow Incontinence

  • Stress Urinary Incontinence

A urologist needs to understand the underlying cause of urological conditions before recommending a proper treatment. 

  • Erectile Dysfunction. 

ED is a common disorder among Singaporean men starting at forty. According to the National Library of Medicine, 9% of men in their forties have erectile dysfunction, and the condition becomes more prevalent among men in their sixties and seventies. Suffering from such a condition affects self-esteem and a man's overall satisfaction with his relationships.   

  • Low sex drive. 

The lack of sex drive is often linked to low testosterone levels. It is usually manifested by disinterest in sexual activity and difficulties getting aroused. A low sex drive is caused by neurological and bodily changes caused by ED, sleep disorders, or fatigue. 

  • Experiencing penile abnormalities and testicular pains. 

A medical doctor should check penile abnormalities, including balanitis and Peyronie's disease. These disorders can be treated with the proper medication and therapy. Testicular pain can potentially indicate cancer, especially if there is an atypical lump. Early detection is always the key to faster recovery and preventing diseases from becoming aggressive.

  • Hernia. 

The symptoms of a hernia are hard to detect unless a bulge or protrusion becomes visible. As a result, the only method to receive an early diagnosis is to see a urologist once a year. Aching sensations where the bulge emerges, groin enlargement, constipation, or bloody stools are all possible early indications.

  • Blood in the urine. 

Urinary tract infections can cause blood in the urine, although it can manifest as a medical condition. Frequent instances when visible red blood cells are present when urinating require a visit to a urology center to rule out possible problems with the kidney or liver. 

  • Prostate Enlargement. 

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is usually non-fatal. However, it can become a severe condition. The more common signs of an enlarged prostate include difficulties urinating, experiencing the need to constantly pee, or having a weak urine flow. 

  • Testing for male infertility. 

Urological conditions do not only involve progressive diseases but also infertility. For couples having problems getting fertilized, checking the male reproductive system is part of finding the reasons. A urologist can perform a series of examinations to determine male-factor infertility.  

  • Sexual problems relating to comorbidities. 

Men who have comorbidities are more prone to have sexual issues. Urological exams are therefore recommended to manage both disorders. Furthermore, males with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or depression should be evaluated.

  • Circumcision. 

Urologists in Singapore perform circumcision. Pediatric urology is a specialization within the science. Adult circumcision, on the other hand, is a widely acknowledged medical and religious practice that a specialist can provide.

Visiting your urologist in Singapore provides optimum health for men, particularly those over 40 and above. These specialists are trained to handle cases relating to the male reproductive system and the issues faced by Singaporean men and women.