Bodies Heating
﷽ Salawat Through a forgotten path, I came to the question: How are bodies actually heated? I was delighted and blindsided upon realizing "I have no idea how" Unrequested, I present to you my dive into correcting my own ignorance. "[...]body heat is generated mostly in the deep organs, especially the liver, brain, and heart, and in contraction of skeletal muscles." Ok, how? Friction heating? The burning of energy on the cellular level? Intuitionally it makes sense that contraction make ...
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Activation Energy
﷽ Salawat Activation energy: The mental oomph required to get started on a thing is related to how bad it sucks. For a graphical representation, picture a frowny face—negative parabolic, with the vertical axis being 'Ease of Starting a Task' -doesn't suck enough, "eh I'll get to it" -sucks just right, "I must do this now" -sucks too bad "this is hopeless and pointless to attempt" Suckage can trigger positive behaviors.
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Cloak of Misery
﷽ Salawat I've been kicking the phrase "cloak of misery" around to describe how at times, we wrap a negative state around ourselves and cling to it. Removal from a cloak of misery is a blessing, but requires being open to the cold draft of reality. We cling to misery cloaks and they cling back to us. When we wear a misery cloak, we wrap ourselves in a familiar state. Even if familiarity is the false warmth of a smoking fire in a snowy, windswept plane, we huddle around the glow. Misery cl...
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Old soul friends, those winning human connection(s)
﷽ Salawat I was talking internally, to try to describe the feeling of meeting people that feel like old soul friends. Those winning human connection(s) and then their absence. At first, I was reaching for the concept of missing a limb but it's not right; better, I think is the concept of grafting a healthy, compatible, but different tree branch onto a tree; or! The weaving together two trees, like how the hill folk do to make the living bridges. In any case; branch or tree, the metaphor stand...
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Breaking Tides of Sadness
﷽ Salawat I had some meaningful interactions with a person that ultimately left me feeling hollowed out. I usually regulate my emotions pretty well, especially those that originate more within myself rather than a reaction to something external. I hadn’t experienced a breaking-tide emotion in a while. A breaking tide emotion is a feeling that you don't expect to be as strong as it is; and it has a tendency to disrupt equilibrium. Even if you don’t fall down from it, you still get wet from it...
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They lack the snobbishness
﷽ Salawat Insight into myself--I'm in the midst of switching phones and I prefer my switching-from phone's note app. I found myself struggling to write on the new phone. This ties into some thoughts I had queued up on experiencing quality and how it alters perception permanently. Perhaps why people without healthy relationships in their life sometimes struggle to build them--they lack the snobbishness of saying "this isn't good enough" "I want it that good or I don't want it" ...
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Blameless Postmortems
﷽ Salawat I've linked this before, but wanted to highlight something from it: The central concept--blameless postmortems. The concept is simple: When things go wrong, you evaluate the entire catastrophe at a system level as opposed to searching out an individual to assign blame to. Contrarily, I think sometimes blame is a worthy thing to shoulder/ assign, because sometimes the answer is simple as the fact that you done goofed up, but by looking at things from a high level perspective where ...
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Process Consulting for Versatile Earth Client was a local construction firm that had developed a EFIS cladding solution and wanted to develop an inhouse production line. I formed a small firm and helped. Solutions: CNC throughput machine for foam processing Mesh Cutting Jig Mud Applicating line Foam Stacking spiders for increasing packing density during the drying cycle Layout of production line WashU Moving Company--Process consulting The company was a small moving/stor...
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