Blameless Postmortems


I've linked this before, but wanted to highlight something from it: The central concept--blameless postmortems.

The concept is simple: When things go wrong, you evaluate the entire catastrophe at a system level as opposed to searching out an individual to assign blame to. Contrarily, I think sometimes blame is a worthy thing to shoulder/ assign, because sometimes the answer is simple as the fact that you done goofed up, but by looking at things from a high level perspective where we recognize that an individual is functioning within an ecosystem, and then to ask: "Is this ecosystem tuned to produce the results we'd like?" and "Can we make it easier to communally do a good job/have desirable outputs?" Are the best ways to apply Itqan to communal/social development. Easier said than done; as all worthy-of-doing things are.

I think families (among other social and business enclaves) could really benefit from having this tool in a unified mental toolbox.

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