A (Pre-)Christmas Miracle

Long time no see. I mean, read. Ah whatever.

As always, life doesn’t stop throwing things my way, but I want to write about one specific event that happened a few days ago.

I have this one teacher, who is incredibly honest. Which is why I know that she doesn’t like people all that much. I respect that, because people are often very shitty.

In any case, at the end of my last lesson with her, while everyone was packing up, eager to have lunch, she came up to me and asked if I could stay for a little bit after the lesson.

Immediately, I got worried. Did I do something wrong? But I couldn’t think of any possible misdoings, which obviously didn’t help my nerves.

Finally, we were alone in the room. She stood across from me, looked me in the eyes and asked:

“Are you okay?”

It hit me like a brick in the face. Because of course, generally, I wasn’t, but I didn’t expect someone who I only saw for three hours a week to notice. And, as she clarified, it wasn’t about my oral participation in class. It was about how sad I seemed, as if something had completely shattered me.

I was baffled.

And hey, I just told her the truth. About the antidepressants, and that they’re not really working. She offered her support if I needed anything. And I thanked her.

I plan on giving her something nice for Christmas, as additional gratitude.

I mean, Jesus Christ, that woman is an angel. And not normally the kind of “sweet, down-with-the-kids”-kinda teacher. So she must’ve had a reason to ask me.

She must’ve been worried about me.

Which, as I concluded in therapy today, means that she appreciates me as a person.

And that makes me feel giddy with happiness. And gratitude of course.

Basically the moral of the story is: There are good people, genuinely good people out there, and little wonders happen.

Don’t lose hope.

Peace out,

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