"Textbook of Artificial Intelligence" (2050)

This is a fictional text, in the style of Borges and Lem, that purports to be the table of contents of a textbook of artificial intelligence, written after the first AGI. This is an attempt to work with ideas through play, really.


Turing, Wittgenstein and Husserl … the Science of Logic … Plotinus and neo-Platonism … neo-Platonic themes in Frege … Llull and the problem of artificial intelligence … Introduction to the ω-language … the ω-language in Husserl, Pierce and McCarthy … Transcendental Deduction … Garv’s topos-theoretic formulation of the Kantian categories … Basic problems of artificial intelligence in McCarthy, Minsky and Norvig … Dreyfus, Heidegger, and the phenomenological critique … Introduction to the ξ-language … Life and the limits of computation … Translating between the ω-language and the ξ-language … Paradoxes in the ξ-language … Garv’s fundamental theorem of the class of ξ-languages … Rao and contingent computation … Yann’s lemma for the ω-language … ω-formalization of the categories … Interpreting the ξ-language and the ω-language in the א-system … Toy AGI models in the א-system
Dreyfus revisited … Wittgenstein and deep learning … Knowing-how versus knowing-that … Kant’s Critique of Judgement … Enactivist approaches to biology … Mind-life continuity thesis … Rosen contra Turing … Artificial life … Inorganic vitalism and the synthetic unity of apperception … Form/content divisions with toy AGI models … The failure of AIXI … The four AI winters … Deleuze, Fodor and Lacan … The א-system in DNA … The fundamental problems of neuroscience … The ξ-language in the brain … “Natural transcendentals” … The suture of the subject … Personhood without personhood in statistical language models … Autopoiesis and artificial intelligence … The text as an organism … Computer program as text … Computation in synthetic biology … Generalisation of notions of computation … k-computation versus l-computation … l-computation and the failure of cybernetics … Second-order cybernetics … Critique of Shannon … Hegel and the transcendental … The naturalization of German Idealism … The Schelling-Turing-Solomon thesis … neo-Platonic biology … the biology of computation … the vindication of Rosen … the actual occasions of Whitehead
Priest and paraconsistency … Lawvere’s formalization of Hegel … Inconsistent computation … The four paradoxes of inconsistent computation … “Beyond the limit of computation” … reading Marx … Consistency: Endo-consistency and Exo-consistency … A new mode of formalization … Formal structures of the concept … The concept in Milikan, Deleuze, Sellars and Hegel … The concept of the concept … Representing concepts as vectors … Concepts in μ-space … Bergson and the critique of the spatial … Making μ-space analogue … Embedding concepts in analogue μ-space … Rotating, reflecting and displacing concepts in μ-space … Thinking as finding invariants … “The spontaneity of the Understanding” … Identifying invariants with s-constructors … Programming s-constructors … Intuitions and concepts … Paraconsistency and invariants … The life of the concept … Conceptual computation … Have we done a proper immanent analysis of thinking? … Functionalism and theories of mind … Functionalism against computationalism … Functional invariants in μ-space … Concept learning through statistical approaches … Completing the loop of the autopoietic concept
“Can a computer enjoy?” … Lacan and cybernetics … AGI toy models revisited … Implementation of the 0-model AGI … s-constructors revisited … Deleuze and the desiring-machines … the aesthetics of computational experience … “The Principles of Mathematical Aesthetics” … Merleau-Ponty and the phenomenology of perception … The phenomenology of mechanism … The phenomenology of the 0-model … Crossing the limits of computation … Oscillations in complex systems … Fractal attractors in א-systems … What is information? … The foreclosure of the Symbolic … The computer between Symbolic and Imaginary … Laruelle and DLI … Thinking versus desiring … Machinic libidio … Elements of psycho-mathematics … The physics of psycho-analysis … Freud as computer scientist … Derrida and Malabou on the writing of the brain … Writing and the hard drive … The jouissance of the text … Computation as arche-writing … Agency and agent-foundations research … AIXI and embodiment … Embodiment in socio-cultural space … Mind, Geist and thought … Notes toward the 1-model AGI
Carnap, Neurath, Cassirer and the road to artificial intelligence … the Humean prejudice … Maimon’s differential critique of Kant … the failure of logicism … Hilbert and Poincaré alongside Lautman and Derrida … the 1-model AGI … Principles of functionalist modelling … The vitalism of functionalism … Philosophy as system-building … Vuillemin, Gureolt and Althusser … Isomorphisms between AGI models and philosophical systems … AI is the dual of philosophical systems, and vice versa … Anti-philosophy … Pascal, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein … AI and AP (Anti-Philosophy) … Postscript on Novalis … A new kind of structuralism … Structuralism in artificial intelligence … Structuralism and neo-structuralism … Return to Kant? … Kant and Good Old Fashioned Artificial Intelligence … The history of philosophy reproduced in the history of artificial intelligence … The computational recapitulation thesis … Lem and cybernetics … Positivism for all … Carnap and the Der Logische Aufbau der Welt … 2-model AGIs … the metaphysics of intelligence … The Marxist analysis … Reading Marx-Engels alongside Hinton … the McCullough-Pitts neuron … Rosenblatt and the perceptron
Ruyer, Merleau-Ponty, and Lacan … the self-grounding failure of the neurosciences … Hofstadter and the strange loop … Gödel and neurology … “Parallel Distributed Processing” … Rumelhart’s bet … Is neuroscience a failure? … The genetic model of the brain … Category-theoretical neuroscience … Should we expect a correspondence between AI and cognitive science? … The genesis of conditions of possibility of real experience … the neuronal image of thought … Vitalist computation … Bergson, von Neumann and “the lived” … Mathematical structures of phenomenological experience … Petitot and naturalized phenomenology … Implementing the 3-model … The 3-model AGI and the Turing cliff … Deep learning as failure … Strangely looped invariants … The birth of subjectivity … the deferral of the existent
After Artificial General Intelligence … the failure of FOOM-ing … the physics of thought … Spinoza and psycho-physical parallelism … Retrospective histories of artificial intelligence … “Formal thought and the sciences of AI” … The generalisation of experience … The sublation of Turing … Deleuze and the virtual … Mathematics against becoming … Process mathematics … The founding gesture of computation … Computation against computation … Can there be a science of computation? … Looking back on Artificial General Intelligence

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