First Project

So I think I have the first project I would like to accomplish. It's interesting since I actually don't know how to code. So it's time to learn. As I ponder though, I think it may just be two shell scripts. I think the shell can do it. Here is the idea, I need two tasks accomplished. Create a check for a folder, one for year and one for month. Then check for a file with the current date and open it in Vim. If it doesn't exist create it and Open it in Vim Second task would take text from all ...
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One distro will rule them all!

I've been a distro hopper for years. I seem to be on a constant search for that one Linux distro that will fufill all my needs and wants. There are six main things I am always looking for. It needs to be sufficently geeky Have a certain level of complication to it. (only to make me feel like I know somthing) Needs to be rolling Needs to use an underdog of a desktop environment I need to have access to most anything I would like to install Needs a small, solid community full of helpful in...
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Money and Privacy

So in this world where everyone knows everything about you and all your shopping history is shared with the highest bidder, what does one do to stay a little more anonymous? I've started taking some measures to improve my own situation and thought I would share them with you here. I am using two main methods right now: is my main way to do online payments or anything over the phone. I can create a one time burner card number. Cards work for only one vendor. I can set a max...
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How I Do Privacy

I have fallen into the privacy band wagon so to speak..if there is one. Now I'm not talking tin-foil hat, hiding from the NSA privacy. What I am thinking of is basic safety and a making it a bit harder for the general public to track me. So I am going to start taking steps to get there. In the meantime I will share what I am doing and how, so you could possibly do the same. If you ever want to comment or ask a question just drop me a note on the twitters. --Cheers ...
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