Surveillance Capitalism Ressources
November 9, 2019•955 words
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Books & Education
Quality Journalism
PAY. REAL. MONEY. FOR. IT. Don't use Facebook or other surveillance capitalism coorporations for getting informed.
- The Guardian
- New York Times (See their Privacy Project)
- Information (DK)
- Weekendavisen (DK)
- Zetland (DK)
Books (EN)
- The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff (Overvågningskapitalismens Tidsalder)
- Podcasts with Shoshana Zuboff
- Team Human by Douglas Rushkoff
- Zucked by Roger Macnamee
- Facebook - The Inside Story by Steven Levy
- Deep Work and Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport
- Quit SoMe Ted Talk
- LIKE af Camilla Mehlsen og Vincent F. Hendricks (Free download in Danish)
Books (DK)
- Overvågningskapitalismens Tidsalder af Shoshana Zuboff (Informations Forlag)
- Artikler om overvågningskapitalisme i Dagbladet Information (DK)
- Digital Totalitarisme af Mads Vestergaard
- Sluk af Imran Rashid
- Like af Vincent Hendricks og Camilla Mehlsen
- Hvordan bliver vi digitalt dannede? / Moderne Idéer bogserie af Vincent Hendricks
- Hvem skal bruge sundhedsdata - og til hvad? / Moderne Idéer bogserie af Klaus Høyer
- Gå Glip - Om begrænsningens kunst i en grænseløs tid - Svend Brinkmann
Movies & Talks
- Center for humane tech: A new agenda for tech |
Privacy Tools
Privacy guides
- Mozilla Blog - American non-profit working to keep the internet open and accessible to all
- - Amazingly competent in-depth information about privacy tools
- Privacy Tools
- Password Manager (you have to scroll down)
- Anti-virus
- - Collaboration between Tactical Tech (Berlin) and Mozilla, beautifully designed site that teaches you how to protect your data.
- Surveillance Self Defence - Tips, Tools and How-tos for Safer Online Communications, A Project of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
- - Opt out of global data surveillance programs like PRISM, XKeyscore and Tempora.
- Panoptykon Foundation - Polish organisation with aim to educate about and solve problems with the Surveillance Society we live in.
- Article: Understanding the 3 types of data collected about you
Selected Tools
- Firefox Internet Browser
- Read more about Firefox in this Restore Privacy Review
- Plugins for Firefox
- Firefox Facebook Container
- Friction for Facebook
- Newsfeed Eradicator
- Facebook Demetricator
- Go Rando (randomizes emoji's for you likes)
- Mobile Phone-settings:
- Use flight-mode often
- Turn off location sharing
- Turn of notifications except calls and maybe text
- Install apps to measure your time spent on your phone
- Anti-Social
- Quality Time
- Facebook:
- Wired guide to Privacy on Facebook
- How to download your Facebook data
- How to delete your Facebook account
- How to Obfuscate your FB data before deleting your account
- Joint accounts - articles about how to confuse Instagram through an obfuscation network (CNET and Slate)
- Wired guide to Privacy on Facebook
- Google:
- How to download your Google data
- How to delete your Google account
Other links:
- (DK)
Fighter Mindset
Make it your personal goal to develop more tolerance for inconvenience in your quest to take control over your digital life. Adding friction reduces the amount of willpower you need to use to accustom to new habits. To hurt surveillance capitalism companies economically and reduce their predictive power over you, begin minimizing your dataflow on their platforms today.
Don't fall for the false dichotomies and rhetoric:
- Perfect / Failed
- You will never be a perfect activist. Nor will you be a complete failure. (Unless you stop caring).
- Optimist / Pessimist
- Ask yourself: What can I do about this? And go do it! It doesn't matter very much if your an optimist or a pessimist! (Well, maybe if your voice influences other people alot...) It matters whether you're an activist or an inactivist.
- Idealist / Realist
- The rhetoric used to describe your current position or values remains less important than the direction of you're actions: Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution?
Fighters toolkit:
- Most important factors of resistance to persuasion
- Ability to premeditate
- self-awareness to think through consequences
- Commitment
- manifested goals
- tracking progress
- principles and habbits
- Ability to premeditate
- Education
- Know your why's
- Avoid misinformation and don't be a sucker