Tips til at bevæge dig mere
[English below] 5 minutter Bevæg dig mere Bevægelse er på listen over ting der ikke er til forhandling fra naturens side, som Chris MacDonald har formuleret det. Uden bevægelse stagnerer kroppens systemer, cirkulationen nedsættes og vi taber vores energi. Bevægelse er dog meget mere end bare træning! Hvad hvis du ikke har så meget tid? For det første, er det værd at stille spørgsmålstegn om du virkelig ikke har tid - for har du "tid" til at være syg eller træt senere i livet? "De som tror,...
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My favorite feats
Definition of feat: a) a deed notable especially for courage b) an act or product of skill, endurance, or ingenuity Here is a quick and dirty list of some favorite challenges, peaks, feats, whatever you want to call it when you go to or past percieved limits. No particular order. VARIOUS 111 Ninjastars with Julie Hendel in around 11 mins Win silver after 4 matches in Jiujitsu beginner level in January 2021 supported by the SIAM squad Møns Klint Triatlon (700m swim, 30km MTB, 10km run, total...
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Writing far into the night
Like you, probably, I have found myself writing endlessly into the night on more than a few occasions. External contingencies like exams and work deadlines are usually the reason, but sometimes internal motivation has driven me to keep my eyes open for a bit longer as well. Here is what I've found helps me to get the most out of this kind of situation. Use body clock to take small breaks And what helps is first of all to avoid what doesn't help. I have a high tolerance for discomfort, or maybe...
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Death quotes
Death may be the greatest of all human blessings - Socrates These quotes are collected and categorized by Peter Hunter ( Creativity Death is only a launching into the region of the strange Untried; it is but the first salutation to the possibilities of the immense Remote, the Wild, the Watery, the Unshored. - Herman Melville The longing for order is at the same time a longing for death, because life is an incessant disruption of order - Milan Kundera Life is to be lived, not...
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Recommended Podcasts
by Peter Hunter & Subscribe to my email newsletter Everything else News Today in Focus by The Guardian #news The Daily by The New York Times #news Climate Den Grønne Løsning af Information (DK) Citizens Climate Lobby Doughnut Modellen med Anders Morgenthaler The 80000 hours podcast Long Now Seminars Person-driven shows: Team Human with Douglas Rushkoff The Making Sense Podcast with Sam Harris The Tim Ferriss Show Joe Rogan Experience Tech ...
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Standard Notes vs Zettlr
Differences between Standard Notes (SN) & Zettlr (Z) Along with Libre Office, which is classic office software, I use SN and Z for note-taking. Z > SN (Key features of Z which SN doesn't provide) Internal note links > Great for Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) ("building your own wiki") Zotero Citation Management > Great for academic writing Export to PDF / ODT > East to print and great for academic writing All notes are created as files, and Z interacts directly with you...
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Email newsletter 19.01.21
2021 looks simultaneously gloomy and full of potential. Here are my two cents to start it off wisely. Moving the goalpost means to alter the rules to suit one's own objective, making it moredifficultforsomeoneelse to succeed. Such subterfuge can be a strong tactic... Ironically, we defeat ourselves constantly in exactly this way. I definitely suffer from this unwilling tendency to move my goalposts before tasting the satisfaction and joy of having delivered, improved, or learned something ...
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Interesting Dichotomies
INFORMATION VS SUBSTANCE INFORMATION SUBSTANCE FORMMATERIALORGANIZATIONSTUFFSYSTEMNODEINTEGRATIONISOLATIONSTRUCTURE of relationshipSTRUCTURE of thing itselfWhere it's situatedWhat it isGregory Bateson. Systems theory. Complexity. Randomness. Chaos.Hard sciences. Physics. Quantification. Determination. Probability. CHANGE VS PERSISTANS Living organisms BOTH "aggressively" engage in learning and hunt for useful adaptations to stay afloat in the fitness landscape AND "conservatively" preserve ...
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Meditation VS Flow State
ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE ... who think they're meditating while doing something fun or engaging like your favorite physical activity, while running, or something else? I don't know how many times I've heard people say something along the lines of: "I don't like to sit and meditate. Instead, I meditate when I [insert favorite physical activity]" I don't doubt that there is a meaningful experience behind saying that, and I totally get where it's coming from. I almost want to say it myself so...
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Intro to running workshop Rört
If you struggle with running, feel like a complete beginner or don't feel ready for a 45 minute run like in the Rört Löb classes, this is the workshop for you. There are a lot of myths about running that can keep us from finding joy and confidence in running. Peter Hunter, physiotherapist and barefoot runner, will present practical theory on the subject of getting (back) into running. You can expect to learn basics about foot health, load management and what science says about risk of inj...
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Floorwork Workshop 3 hours
FLOORWORK WORKSHOP, 3 hours in Rört 3. Oct 2020, 12-15 (Vermundsgade 13, 2100 KBH Ø) Floorwork, you say? As children we crawl, as grown-ups we fall. Everybody can and should develop their moving relationship to the floor. Movement skills on the floor are great for many sports, all types of dance, as well as parkour and acrobatics. It can help prevent injury and mobilize your body - but is also a general life skill that can increase your everyday embodied sense of freedom.  In this workshop, ...
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Program or be programmed by Douglas Rushkoff
Program or be Programmed by Douglas Rushkoff Ten Commands for a Digital Age 2010/11 : 978-1-59376-426-5 Summary of the Commands TIME - do not always be onPLACE - live in personCHOICE - you may always choose none of the aboveCOMPLEXITY - you are never completely rightSCALE - one size does not fit allIDENTITY - be yourselfSOCIAL - do not sell you friendsFACT - tell the truthOPENNESS - share, don't stealPURPOSE - program or be programmed Chapter Notes Introduction The printing revolution...
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1. How to control your Facebook use
When was the last time you thought of something to do on Facebook, where you actually ended up checking Facebook for solely that purpose before exiting? Well, I can't think of think of when either.   Of course, even if you are of this feat of concentration, the point is that Facebook makes sure that your probability of succeeding is as low as possible. HOW has Facebook been designed to optimize Time On Screen? This post (UPCOMING LINK) concerns Facebooks tools of distraction. WHY has FA...
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My Privacy Timeline
2016.05 -    Started using Firefox2016 total: 0$2017.11 -    Protonmail 2 years (79$)2017 total: 79$2018.10 -    1Password 1 year (75$)2018.10 -    Deleted Gmail/Google account of 13 years 2018 total: 75$2019.06 -    1Password 1 year (75$)2019.03 -    Deleted Facebook account of 11 years2019.04 -    Started using Pocket by Mozilla2019.05 -    Created new Facebook account for promoting my teaching2019.05 -    Spent 450kr on Facebook adds2019.07 -    Created new Gmail/Google for writing thesis2019...
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Surveillance Capitalism Ressources
You can contribute to this list. Your input can be sent to Thank you for your attention.Books & Education Quality JournalismPAY. REAL. MONEY. FOR. IT. Don't use Facebook or other surveillance capitalism coorporations for getting informed. The GuardianNew York Times (See their Privacy Project)Information (DK)Weekendavisen (DK)Zetland (DK) Books (EN) The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff (Overvågningskapitalismens Tidsalder)Review (The Guardian)Revie...
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Alternatives to Google's functions (WIP)
You can contribute to this list. Your input can be sent to Thank you for your attention. First, let me introduce you to a beautiful framework to be aware of as you read the list below of alternatives to Google's functions. It's Cal Newport's divide-and-conquor approach to handeling Social Media and other technologies described in his newest book Digital Minimalism (2019). He lays out a plan to reboot your digital life according to your values in three steps:The Digit...
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Alternatives to Facebook
You can contribute to this list. Your input can be sent to Thank you for your attention.First, let me introduce you to a beautiful framework to be aware of as you read the list below of alternatives to Facebook's functions. It's Cal Newport's divide-and-conquor approach to handeling Social Media and other technologies described in his newest book Digital Minimalism (2019). He lays out a plan to reboot your digital life according to your values in three steps:The Digit...
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