Standard Notes vs Zettlr
April 5, 2021•208 words
Differences between Standard Notes (SN) & Zettlr (Z)
Along with Libre Office, which is classic office software, I use SN and Z for note-taking.
Z > SN
(Key features of Z which SN doesn't provide)
- Internal note links > Great for Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) ("building your own wiki")
- Zotero Citation Management > Great for academic writing
- Export to PDF / ODT > East to print and great for academic writing
- All notes are created as files, and Z interacts directly with your folder system.
- Free (although I support Z via Patreon)
SN > Z
(Key features of SN which Z doesn't provide)
- mobile app and cross-platform sync > notes on the go
- better for on-the-go note-taking and teaching
- more focus on privacy, total encryption
- easiest to "plug-and-play", as Z takes more tinkering to set up
- Various editors available, Z is all mark-down.
- direct publishing to blog at
- Minimum 2.5 dollars a month for all features
SN = Z
(features that are shared between SN which Z)
- dark mode
- open source software
Please share any feedback at
Zettlr Links
Standard Notes